Company Blog
Just a…
by Adam Zack — November 6, 2019

Self-esteem and pride are built by you, the boss
More about the little things. During our nightly debriefing of how our respective days went, my wife is always sticking ideas out there that she thinks would be good blog topics. So she’s telling me about how she was getting gas (not the fart kind this time) and there was a girl gas station attendant emptying trash. Linda asked her how her day was going, and the girl seemed surprised that someone would care enough to ask how she was doing. She said she was good and sincerely thanked her for asking. They exchanged a few words and the girl said something along the lines of “Well, you know, I’m just a gas station attendant…” As if it had been hammered in by her boss or her boyfriend or someone that she was doing a lowly job which merited no respect, not even by herself.
I don’t know about you, but I have been to gas stations where trash is overflowing, windshield squeegee water is filthy, paper towels are out and the bathroom is so disgusting that I hold it until I can find a nearby McDonalds. Oh, how I wished that they just had a gas station attendant. Self- esteem and pride are built by you, the boss. Anyone who feels that they are just an unimportant piece of your organization reflects negatively on the whole company. That’s just my opinion.
Read More – Blamesville
Filed Under: Company Blog