Company Blog
You gotta keep ’em
by Adam Zack — April 29, 2020

Plan promotions and sales now.
So all us grocers have been unbelievably busy these past six weeks. Duh. Grocery, meat & produce sales are WAY up. Customer counts are down because other non-essential people aren’t working around you. (It must make them feel bad to be considered non-essential, right?) No lunch business for the deli, salad bar, hot food bar and the like. But basket size has doubled and tripled. It’s kind of like the old days when people would come in and shop for the week. You have been their trusted source for feeling safe while they buy provisions to feed the family. Their nerves are a little frayed and irritability is high as stir crazy starts to set in, but you are their refuge. For some, besides taking the dog for a walk, it’s their only outing. Despite fears from your own employees, they have stepped up in a brave way. Offering behind the mask smiles, greetings and human interaction that won’t be forgotten. One day (please baby Jesus, make it soon) they will be able to resume most of their shopping patterns of the pre-Covid-19 days. But you will be on their mind as a hero and real first-responder, and that inspires some loyalty. The key is to keep them coming back. Plan promotions and sales now. Have them in the playbook and ready to launch as soon as the coast is clear. Get your team thinking and involved, because the big chains are going to be a little cautious and slower out of the starting blocks.
Read More – Flexibility of the Will
Filed Under: Company Blog
Thank you, Adam! Great thoughts!! I was thinking on these things last night! Getting ready to “fire up the grill” plans! Hope all is well with you all!