Company Blog
Words Matter
by Adam Zack — May 13, 2020

Great leaders have the instinct and ability to make everyone they lead feel special.
Grocers not only are essential workers as classified by the pandemic guidelines, they are essential for everyone to live and eat every day, crisis or not. It’s stressful work being on the front lines and coming in proximity of hundreds (or thousands, depending how big your store is) of customers every day you work. We reward them with extra pay, gift cards, pizza, donuts and words of encouragement and thanks. Those things matter to them, without a doubt. Thank yous go a long way, but the words you use to personalize the thanks and praise can make a lasting impact that “Thanks for your hard work” or “Good job!” can never do. Last week my boss DW (also my friend and mentor) called to specifically thank me for my efforts. His words were very specific and very personal. He touched on my talents and contributions and just how sincerely he was grateful to work with me. It was humbling and gratifying at the same time, and I’d be lying if I said it did not bring me to an emotional level that made my eyes well up with tears. Words matter. Our employees are not one-size-fits-all. Great leaders have the instinct and ability to make everyone they lead feel special. Because in some way, everyone is.
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Filed Under: Company Blog