Company Blog
Let’s Talk Relationships
by Adam Zack — June 3, 2020

Never have emotions been so close to the surface.
The last eleven weeks have been an unbelievable combination of stress, exhaustion and opportunity that I’ve ever seen in the grocery business. Let’s start with stress. As the Covid-19 crisis began to develop, the run on grocery shopping was, to put it mildly, out of F-ing control. Never had such huge amounts of staple center store items been depleted so quickly. Innovative minds found ways to find new sources, but some items were un-sourceable. How many times a day did you get asked when the Clorox wipes were coming in and where’s the Charmin? Bosses tried valiantly to keep employees and customers safe, find product, calm fears and still conduct regular operations such as maintenance and repairs. No wonder alcohol consumption went up so much. As the pandemic continued, exhaustion started to set in. Everyday deliveries were large, basket size tripled and physically everyone started to get really tired. On top of that, the mental exhaustion came close to pushing some people (myself definitely included) over the edge. Never have emotions been so close to the surface. Tears were shed by many I know in the grocery business, often. It chokes you up, thinking about this great responsibility. Finally, about week 9 or 10, the realization that the opportunity to convert these people who had not been into your store before into regular, or semi-regular customers was immense. The outward actions of kindness, understanding and service by your employees who were on the front lines was noticed by both your regulars and new customers. Word spread that YOUR store is going above and beyond what the chain stores were doing. YOU found a way to get toilet paper. YOU showed what sanitation should look like. YOU made new friends. YOU have built a relationship bond. And these new friends and old fans will happily return. And you know what? YOU deserve it.
Read More – What Time Off Is For
Filed Under: Company Blog
WELL DONE AZ……You always do go above and beyond the average…(in my opinion and so many who admire you)