Company Blog
by webmaster — November 18, 2020

Form friendships that will last a lifetime
“The friends you have will form you as you go through life. Make some good friends, keep them for the rest of your life, but have them be people that you admire as well as like.” – Bill Gates
This Thanksgiving is very different from any other. You don’t need a moron like me to tell you that. Those large family gatherings are going to be much smaller. For the first time in a long time I won’t be seeing my daughters for the holiday. They have prudently chosen to have a “Friendsgiving” with just each other, their spouses and one other close friend couple. While it (selfishly) makes me a little sad, it also makes me proud and thankful that they are being responsible and that they are best friends and have formed friendships that will last a lifetime. You know when parents tell you how great your friends are that you’ve done good. When your parents want to hang out with your friends and your friends want to hang out with your parents, you’ve formed some special bonds. Lifelong friendships are something to cherish and be so thankful for. Last weekend we got to spend a couple days with friends I’ve known for 38 years. The instant comfort, the mutual respect and admiration, the ease of conversation and genuine tinge of sadness when the weekend ended brought realization on just how much I have to be thankful for, this year especially.
Read More – Gratitude
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