Company Blog
Little Thanks
by Adam Zack — November 24, 2020

How my dad taught me to fix almost anything.
While “Bigger” is better with a lot of things (pay raise, glass of great wine, piece of pie, parade honoring you, discount on your cable bill, muscles from working out, and family), “Bigger” can really be the opposite of better with a lot of things (pay cut, hairy mole on your nose, headache from too many big glasses of wine, pant size needed due to the big piece of pie, and family). At Thanksgiving, especially during this 2020 year of BIG events, it’s important to remember and recognize that it’s not the big things that deserve all the attention. There are some big things that bring happiness and fulfillment to our lives, but it’s the dozens of little things that contribute (some imperceptibly) to our happiness, that if taken away would leave us with a big hole in our lives. It takes some reflection to realize what the little things are because they are the most easily taken for granted.
10 Little Things That I Appreciate Most 2020
- The way my wife Linda does so many mundane but necessary chores in our household without complaining, ever.
- How DW always seems to know the right time to say something that makes others feel good, loved and appreciated.
- Simple dinners and Netflix entertainment.
- My mom’s generosity and influence on my wonderful daughters.
- The love of truly good friends.
- How my dad taught me to fix almost anything.
- My 8th grade teacher for teaching me how to really learn.
- Little positive and affirming text messages that randomly come at times when I seem to need them the most.
- Finding something to laugh at every single day. (Happy Hanksgiving!)
- Employees and friends who take the time to tell me they miss me or that I’ve made a positive impact on their lives.
So, here’s to you, friend. I appreciate the chance you give me each week to write down thoughts, ideas and an occasional rant. I appreciate the positive feedback and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Have one more little piece of pie, no one will notice. Sweatpants are stretchy, don’t you know?
Read More – Happy Thanksgiving!
Filed Under: Company Blog