Company Blog
Too Nice?
by Adam Zack — April 28, 2021

So gosh darn nice.
Have you ever met someone who is so sincerely nice that it makes you want to be a better person? I was on the train last week and I passed the conductor on the way in. I’ve seen her occasionally, and each time I’m struck with how genuinely kind she is. Every time. In the midst of a pandemic, checking tickets of stressed out commuters and general whackos who ride public transportation, her eyes and her words convey that she is just, well, so gosh darn nice. Even through a mask, her eyes sparkle with a kindness and caring about her passengers. I don’t know her name or any details about her. She doesn’t know my name or anything about me. I say “It’s nice to see you” and I mean it, because the positivity she imparts on me makes me want to be nicer not only to people I care about, but to everyone who crosses my path. It’s like the world is a little bit better because there is one more person who unselfishly appreciates what she has and is thankful for her blessings. So here’s to you train conductor lady. Thank you for inspiring me.
Read More – The Obstacle Is The Way
Filed Under: Company Blog