Company Blog
Motivating the Fatigue
by Adam Zack — September 1, 2021

That fatigue you’re feeling as leaders needs to be kept to yourself…
Every single grocery store that I know is looking for employees. In the past, most were always hiring for some positions and always accepting applications, but it’s never been quite like it is today when everyone is hiring for every department in almost every store. I attribute it to Covid Fatigue. We pulled together at the start. We endured uncertainty and took action to avoid being exposed. We provided appreciation (or hazard) pay and bonuses. We got creative to keep our shelves stocked. Management and ownership did their best to absorb the stress and keep the troops motivated and energized. Tears were shed, ulcers induced, and many liters of booze consumed. The unemployed received extra stimulus pay and fell into a new way of life, not needing to work like before, which leads us to where we are today. In an industry that cannot operate on automation, people are the most precious and fought over resource. Fatigued management is desperately searching for ways to continue to keep morale high, prevent turnover and also recruit new employees. But how? That’s the million-dollar question. I don’t have the whole answer, but I can tell you that it comes from the top. That fatigue you’re feeling as leaders needs to be kept to yourself, or your spouse or your dog. Your team needs you to be infatigable more than ever. It’s the hardest thing you’ll likely ever have to do.
Read More – Revenge Is A Dish Best Not Served
Filed Under: Company Blog
Adam I love your blog and messages about important facts most so close to home. Often you think you’re in this boat alone and it’s only happening to us. Glad to hear we are not alone on many of your subjects. Thank you for the creative outlook and often the whit too! We met at our share group the Bantams.
Hi Nisha! Thanks for the kind comments. Often this business gets overwhelming and I (we) get a sense of “What next???!!!” It’s been a wild 18 months and although it’s been great for the bank account, it’s definitely taken a mental toll on all of us. I hope to cross paths wih and Nakul again soon.
Best always,