Company Blog
Extra times 7
by Adam Zack — October 20, 2021

Unexpected, deserved and sincere.
You know how good it makes you feel when unexpectedly and without prompting, someone you care about and respect hits you with some words of praise or appreciation? Something other than “You’re doing a great job.” or “Thanks for taking care of business.” Or “Thank you for cooking dinner.” Something that is both personal and insightful. It can be a compliment, observation or comment on an insight that is truly personal. It catches people off guard, lets them know you care and literally makes their day. And it doesn’t have to be work related. It can be something toward your spouse, your mom, your sister or one of your kids. It happened to me recently and I decided I needed to do it more, and regularly. First, I thought I’d set myself a goal of 15 times per week. Then I set 10. Now I have revised it again to just 7. That’s one time per day. Or it could be 3 times one day, and 4 the rest of the week. The key is that it has to be meaningful to others. Unexpected, deserved and sincere. It can be a gesture, a phone call, a written note, an email or a text. The goal is to stagger them with kindness and insight that only someone who is truly observant and can know and say. Challenge on. I start today. Seven times by next Wednesday, and seven times every week thereafter. It feels so good to make someone’s day, so this challenge is not one sided. I’m going to feel extra great seven times a week. Game on, people.
Read More – All is Fluid
Filed Under: Company Blog
Great thought Adam, I am challenging myself and my team to do the same!
Thanks Kim. It sounds like a small number but as the week passes I realize that I am behind in my goal! Thank you for the comment. Count that as “one” towards your goal.
Please give my best to Jamie.