Company Blog
Just Say it
by Adam Zack — December 7, 2022

We provide great customer service, but that’s our job.
You know that most times you won’t get what you want unless you verbalize it? I was thinking about that the other day and how important it is to actually say the things that you are thinking that affect other people. It’s so much easier not to say anything, until you start actually saying the things you think and want, then you realize “Why haven’t I done this before? What took me so long?” In my store in San Diego there is a very good customer I see often. She’s the mom of two little kids that seem like a handful, as toddlers usually are. She always has a calm patience about her and constantly expresses appreciation for the grocery shopping experience we provide for her. It’s like we are doing her a huge favor by being here, instead of us showing her our appreciation for her loyalty and kindness. Don’t get me wrong, we do provide great customer service, but that’s our job. So the other day I saw her shopping with the kids and I decided to say something. I told her that I had been meaning to tell her for some time how I felt she was just one of the nicest, kindest customers we have ever had and how I could just tell that she was an amazing mother and wife, and how much I appreciated her patronage. By her reaction, you’d have thought I presented her with the Crown Jewels. She was so taken back by what I said, she told me how much she loved my store and the employees. Then as I walked on, she thanked me again and told me that I not only made her day, I made her week. Something I had been thinking for a while, but hadn’t bothered to verbalize, not only made her feel wonderful, it made me feel great too. It didn’t cost a cent, took less than two minutes, and inspired me to do it more often.
Read More – Fear Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Filed Under: Company Blog