Company Blog
New Year, Old List
by Adam Zack — December 28, 2022

Trying is one step from failing.
Did you get everything that you vowed to do in 2022 done? I’m not one for resolutions, but am one for making a goal and to-do lists and love to be able to look at the list and cross off items as I get them done. I made at least 100 lists in 2022. Did I get them all crossed off? Hell no. Sometimes I’d look at it for days, before tossing it and starting a new list. 2022 had a way of throwing unexpected surprises at us, or at least me, (who am I to speak for you?) that made items on my current list less of a priority. A new list was then created and old items either were scrapped altogether or demoted down the list. I’m starting 2023 with a list of main goals and pinning it up. I’ll share it with anyone it affects directly and other than that, keep it to myself. I don’t resolve to do it, I’ll just do it. Like Yoda said, “Do or do not. There is no try.” I can try and be a better person, but either I am going to be a better person, or I’m not. Trying is one step from failing, and if it’s only something I am only going try and do, it shouldn’t be on my list. I’m looking at my list from yesterday right now, and I’ll get it done today. Then I’ll think of what is most important to get done in 2023 and write that list. Can’t wait to cross it off and start a new one. At least I’ll try.
Read More – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
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