Company Blog
Working for You
by Adam Zack — January 4, 2023

Why do I work for you?
I was thinking the other day about the workforce in the world. How we all work for someone (even if it’s yourself) and the thought of “This person works for me.” or “I work for this person.” entered my brain. Even though the words are exactly the same – I work for you – I realized that it can have two totally different meanings when you think about it. Most of the people working in the world today fall into the first category, one I think of as “a job”. I work for you. I am your employee. I perform the functions of my job description and as a result I get a paycheck and earn a living. The second, and I feel rarer meaning, is I work for you. I have your best interests in mind all the time. I want what’s best for you and our business because you treat me like I am of great value to you. You care about me. You care about my family. You appreciate me and communicate that every day. Yes, I earn a paycheck, but am not simply your employee. I am a vital part of your company’s success. And how do I know that? Why do I work for you? Because you show me why every day that I see you, and I take pride in taking care of your company when you’re not there. I care about you, because you care about me.
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Filed Under: Company Blog