Company Blog
I Love You
by Adam Zack — June 21, 2023

“You know why I work so hard? It’s because I love you so much.”
“I love you”, I said to my dad just before ending the phone call on Father’s Day. “I love you, too,” he said. He’s in his 80’s and has more Father’s Days behind him than ahead, and I realized how important it is to say the words. “I love you.” I don’t think there are three more meaningful words in the English language. Eight letters, three words, one meaning. It made me think back to childhood, adolescence and even early adulthood. As a kid, I don’t remember, even once, my dad ever telling me he loved me. And I don’t remember telling him I loved him, either. I never told my brothers I loved them and vice versa. Friends didn’t say it to each other. Maybe way back then words were meant for lovers and would-be lovers. Husbands and wives. People on their deathbeds. Today, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t say “I love you” to at least one person and truly mean it. My nephew Travis called me last night. Travis truly loves family, and every time I talk to him, he always ends the conversation with “I love you”. Not “love ya” or “love you”, but with all three words, which makes it personal. Nothing makes you feel valued more than someone telling you that they love you. They are powerful motivators and reinforcers of loyalty. DW tells me nearly every time we talk, “I love you, buddy,” and it makes me feel so valued and humble. At my store I have many loyal employees that work hard and always have my back. One in particular, Jose Avila, tells me every day, “You know why I work so hard? It’s because I love you so much. You take care of us, so we take care of business.” No amount of money or material possessions can make you feel so good as hearing words like those. So who do you love and appreciate? Tell them. Today.
Read More – Always Love
Filed Under: Company Blog
I love you Adam. I am grateful for you and your writing.
Thank you for this wonderful message. I don’t remember my mom or dad saying I love you. Maybe it was a German thing at the time. My dad gave me a birthday many many years ago ( I’m 78 soon) that he signed Love Dad. I’ve kept it all these years. And I know he loved me.