DW's Blog
by DW Green — September 27, 2023

Focus on one task at a time.
Several years ago, a chiropractor friend shared with me a valuable insight: the concept of multitasking is, in fact, illusory. He pointed out that while humans can efficiently multitask with motor skills, such as walking and chewing gum simultaneously, the same does not apply to mental skills. In many instances, we find ourselves attempting to juggle multiple mental tasks concurrently—whether it’s engaging in one activity while our thoughts meander elsewhere or managing three distinct tasks at once, like conversing on the phone, doing the dishes, and preparing a pot of tea. Unfortunately, this often results in none of these tasks receiving our full attention, leaving our mental focus divided and strained. For me, mental multitasking resembles an illusion, like water in a mirage, a dream, an echo, a reflection, or even a hallucination—where everything seems distinct and apparent but ultimately lacks true existence. Thus, the wise approach is to focus on one task at a time, being fully present and engaged in whatever the current task demands.
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