
Company Blog

Don’t take me for granted

by Adam Zack — October 2, 2024

Don’t let your loyal customers feel like they’re just part of the furniture.

So take me down the road

Take me to the show

Something to believe in

No one else knows

But don’t take me for granted

          – Mike Ness, Social Distortion

You know the saying: familiarity breeds… forgetfulness? The people we see most often are the ones we tend to take for granted. It’s like the customer who religiously buys a coffee and muffin every morning or your spouse who ensures your work shirt is clean and gives you a final “booger check” before you head out the door. Over time, these everyday moments blur into the background like elevator music. They’re just… there. It’s routine, baby. And we don’t even realize how much we count on that routine—until it disappears faster than a plate of donuts at an office meeting.

The thing is, just like real listening requires focus (I see you, selective hearing), appreciation needs a nudge every now and then too. Otherwise, you find yourself in that classic scenario where your spouse finally snaps after years of brewing your coffee and wonders, “Has this man even thanked me for the past five years? Heck, when’s the last time he made me tea?” Next thing you know, your morning routine is missing a key ingredient, and you’re standing there wondering, “Why is she mad? What did I do?!”

And here’s the kicker: this happens with customers too. You think the folks who live right around the corner will always shop with you because hey, you’re convenient, and you do a solid job, right? Well, not so fast. Just like that underappreciated spouse, your loyal customers might get wooed by the shiny new market down the road. They gave me flowers! They even thanked me for coming in—and they really meant it! And now, instead of picking up their usual muffin from you, they’re sneaking off to meet the competition. Once a month turns into bi-weekly, and before you know it, your coffee sales are in freefall. Meanwhile, you’re left asking, “Wait, what happened?!”

So, what’s the move? Don’t let your loyal customers feel like they’re just part of the furniture. Show them a little extra love. Maybe it’s a hand-delivered gift, or maybe you surprise them by picking up the tab for their coffee and muffin—just this once. Remind them that the spark is still alive and well, and you’re glad they’ve stuck with you through thick and thin. Because at the end of the day, no one wants to feel taken for granted—not your spouse, not your customer, and definitely not your muffin.

Read More – The Power of Intuition: A Gateway to Universal Wisdom

Filed Under: Company Blog

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