DW's Blog
Personal Judgment
by DW Green — March 19, 2025

The ego loves being “center stage” where the self becomes the hero or heroine of the melodrama.
Do you remember the 1978 novel The World According to Garp by John Irving? Later made into the 1982 movie starring Robin Williams. I loved the book. I like John Irving and Robin Williams. I also like eating waffles for dinner on Taco Tuesday.
This has nothing to do with The World According to Garp. It has to do with the world according to the ego. Personal judgment is based on perception. This perception is reinforced by belief and prior programming. All of these elements are held in place by the payoff of the ego’s negative energies. Holy moly! The ego just “loves” suffering a “wrong.” It enjoys being the martyr, being misunderstood, and being the endless victim of life’s changing conditions. Consequently, it gets an enormous payoff. This comes not only from the positionality itself but also from sympathy, self-pity, entitlements, and importance. The ego loves being “center stage” where the self becomes the hero or heroine of the melodrama. This explains a lot about why things happen in the world!
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