Company Blog
Resolutely Resolved
by Adam Zack — January 6, 2016
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day. – WikipediaIf you’re anything like me, resolutions are easy to make but very hard to maintain. They are things that I know I need to do to be a better person, but when it comes to actually doing what I need to, I find that I am excellent at resolving to find an excuse not to do them. Those three-times-per-week trips to the gym last a few weeks and then turn into two, or one, or during “busy” weeks none! That eating better/healthier lasts about a week. Stop procrastinating! Yeah, I’ll start that one next week.But in our meaningful and underappreciated grocery business New Year’s Resolutions are perfect for our stores. A list of 5 to 10 resolutions, decided on by a group of your employees and managers, is a great start to the year and a great way to communicate and identify goals to continue moreThe Gift That Gives Back All Year Long
by Adam Zack — December 16, 2015
Everyone likes to receive gifts, whether they admit it or not. We all know people who say, “No, no, I don’t need ANYTHING! Don’t get me a Christmas present!” But when the time comes and everyone else is exchanging a gift, they get a little tinge of “Well, a little something to open would have been nice…” It’s natural to feel gratitude and admiration when someone gets you a small gift that is well thought out and meaningful. It’s wonderful to be thought of. It makes you feel special and appreciated. So imagine how much loyalty and positive word of mouth you would generate for your store if you delivered or mailed a special gift to your BEST customers. Something like 80% of profits come from your top 10% customers, so they are actually giving you a gift all year round. If you don’t have a customer loyalty program, it’s a little tougher to do, but with your cashiers and customer service staff in on the plan, you can identify those customers and WOW! them with a gift at Christmas. Maybe pick your top 50 or 100 customers that spend the most in your store throughout the year. Hand address and sign each card, with a short message moreI Second That Emotion
by Adam Zack — December 9, 2015
OK, so I am generally not a very emotional guy. Death and tragedy are as much a part of life as birth and ecstasy. Things happen, and when the good things happen I feel great and when the bad things happen I feel sad. No huge swings in my emotional pendulum. So imagine my surprise, when the other night Linda says “You gotta hear this new Adele song ‘Hello’.” OK fine. I’m not a huge Adele fan, although I think she is an exceptional talent with a voice that is incredibly powerful. Her music seems to reach very widely, from punk rockers to old folks. Anyway, I have respect and admiration, but no CDs in my collection or albums in my iTunes. She puts it on, and without even really deciphering the lyrics the song just moves me to emotion like nothing I have ever heard before. I don’t know how she did it. It gets my eyes all watering and before you can say “Bambi’s mom’s dead” I’m brought to emotional tears bordering on sobs. And it happens every time I hear that song now! Good Lord, I sure hope it doesn’t come on when I’m at the gym or watching football with friends.So the point of the story is how something you see, hear or moreA Little Thanks
by Adam Zack — November 25, 2015
While “Bigger” is better with a lot of things (pay raise, glass of great wine, piece of cake, parade honoring you, discount on your cable bill, muscles from working out, and family), “Bigger” can really be the opposite of better with a lot of things (pay cut, hairy mole between your eyes, headache from too many big glasses of wine, pants needed due to the big piece of cake, and family). At Thanksgiving especially, it’s important to remember and recognize that it’s not the big things that bring the most happiness and fulfillment to our lives, it’s the dozens of little things that contribute (some imperceptibly) to our happiness that that if taken away would leave us with a big hole in our lives. It takes some reflection to realize what the little things are because they are the most easily taken for granted.10 Little Things That I Appreciate Most- The way my girlfriend Linda does so many chores in our household without complaining, ever.
- How DW always seems to know the right time to say something that makes others feel good, loved and appreciated.
- My brother Matt for being consistent and never taking the bait when I turn more
Teach Me, Please
by Adam Zack — November 19, 2015
Once upon a time, I was an impressionable young 15-year-old box boy at my family’s grocery store. I didn’t act like a boss’ kid, and I sure as hell didn’t get treated like it. We had to abide by the rules like everyone else. I can still hear my manager telling me to cut my hair, tighten my tie and for God’s sake stop talking to the service deli girls! I liked my job, really liked the customers and loved the people I worked with. I wanted to learn more, do more, have more responsibility. I was always fascinated with the checkout process and although I was just a lowly boxboy, persuaded one of the cashiers (who I am good friends with to this day) to let me check on her register. We joke now that if the checkstand manager had found out we would have both been fired on the spot. Letting someone check on your register that wasn’t even trained was a definite no-no. Luckily for both of us that endeavor to learn went undetected. She went on to become checkstand manager, then store manager and for the past 15 years or so has been Human Resources Manager with an eagle’s eye out for young boxboys trying to persuade impressionable cashiers to let them check out customers.The point I have moreYou’ve Got To Empower
by Adam Zack — November 12, 2015
Ok, so last week I talked about why customers leave your business (68% due to employee attitude or indifference, remember?) and how empowering them is the key to the positive attitude and elimination of indifference. I know, I know, it’s an easy thing to say, “Just empower your employees, easy! Done!”, but we are not here to give some blanket statement with no details on how to actually do that. That would be just plain dumb and unhelpful. So, as promised here are some ways to empower (definition: To enable or permit.) your employees to be outstanding, involved, creative honest and caring.- Give them direct contact to management and owners: The grocery business has traditionally been a top-down management structure. The old “You’ll know what you know when I want you to know it” style needs to be turned upside down. They need to be comfortable to contact you with their honest feedback without fear that they will get in any kind of trouble. Suggestion boxes, email addresses, idea exchange groups and employee involvement committees are simple and effective.
- Do an annual employee survey: Really think more
This Is Me Leaving You
by Adam Zack — November 4, 2015
I’ve always been fascinated in lists and statistics. Give me a great top ten list, a funny compilation of the best blonde jokes, and an achievable to-do list and I’m a happy camper. Lists keep me organized, feel good to be checked off and present an appearance of order amidst the chaos. So as I was sorting through a list of topics for future blogs, I came across one of the more relevant lists for our industry: Why do customers leave your business. It makes sense, but I think it is something that we often can’t wrap our heads around because we don’t actually see it happen. Sure, we focus on the numbers: Sales are down this week. Customer count down. Item count down. You gotta do something about this! We need better ads! We need more sampling! And while you’re at it, you need to cut labor spending because sales are down! Well, I’m here to tell you the reasons customers leave – and they don’t announce it with a “Buh-bye! Thanks for nothin’! You won’t be unappreciating my business again!”, they simply don’t come back. They’ll tell friends, but they won’t tell you.5 Reasons Customers Leave
- 1% pass away more
When Business Gives You Lemons…
by Adam Zack — October 28, 2015
Enough with the thought provoking blogs for this week. I know we are all here to make money, and once a month, starting now, the topic will be a sales idea that is easy, inexpensive, effective and most of all, profitable. Here’s the back-story: My mom has a lemon tree that produces an obscene amount of Meyer lemons. She brought over a bag, and besides just freezing a few ice cube trays worth (bonus cooking tip! Great way to always have lemon juice on hand!), I decided to look up the recipe for Hot Dog On a Stick Lemonade. Besides the fun of watching the Hot Dog On a Stick girls with the goofy multi-colored hats pogo-ing on their lemon crusher, it really was the best lemonade I’d had. So, sans goofy hat and pogo stick, I googled the recipe and mixed up a batch. Delicious! (even better with vodka!). It was the hit of the day. So I started thinking to myself “Self, how can you make some money with this idea?” Naturally by making a big batch in-store, placing it strategically in the store in cups with a slice of lemon in an ice display, with the straw already in the lid (with the paper covering of the straw still on the top like they do at In-N-Out for sanitary reasons). Have some moreThe Awkward Moments
by Adam Zack — October 22, 2015
Everyone has awkward moments. It’s that point in an encounter when you wonder whether to say something or not to the other person for fear of offending them. Awkward moments include: zipper down (xyz), foul breath, food in teeth, detection of body odor (not the good kind), hanging nasal remnants and undetected hair sproutings. More often than not, we just keep our yap shut and move along. Many times I have been on the other end of these awkward situations, suddenly feeling a breeze and seeing my fly is unzipped and wondering why no one gave the “Barn door open” signal or “Would you like a mint?” or just a nasal pinching and wiping motion. I then wonder Why? Why? Why!? Didn’t anyone tell me my breath was just slightly north or rotting skunk? So I have really tried to be the proactive informer, prefacing the uncomfortably awkward moment with a whispered “I’d want you tell me if our positions were reversed…” Generally, that eases the situation and results in a “Thanks for telling me…”So where is this going as I think that my lunch gave me quite a garlic taste? Well, in our daily business interactions we are confronted with awkward moments with our customers and vendors. moreMISSION: POSSIBLE (AND NECESSARY)
by Adam Zack — October 15, 2015
A well thought out Mission (or Purpose) statement is something the world’s greatest companies all share. They live their mission and instill it in everything they do. It’s the cornerstone to success. It defines who they are and communicates it to their customers and employees effectively and succinctly.Pop Quiz! Match the companies that correspond to these mission statements: Choose from the list below (correct answers at the very end, but I will be surprised if you don’t get 100%).- BMW, b. Google, c. Starbucks, d. In-n-Out Burger, e. DW Green Co,
- Dorothy Lane Market, g. Nordstrom, h. New England Patriots,
- i. Tiffany & Co., j. Southwest Airlines
- To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
- To connect People to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.
- To make our customers happy by providing Honestly Better® food and service — every time.
- To be the world’s most respected and succes more