by DW Green — December 4, 2024

…we find that the ultimate answer to life’s challenges isn’t in mental struggle but in opening ourselves to a deeper dimension of reality.
In our relentless pursuit of understanding and growth, we often discover that the deepest truths emerge not through accumulation, but through letting go. As we age and mature on our spiritual path, we begin to see how the mind clutters itself with what we believe to be essential, only to find through contemplation that truth arises naturally from our Being.
The journey toward this understanding takes many forms. Some find their way through daily meditation and contemplative readings, while others are drawn to teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, and David Hawkins. The beauty of this path lies in how different approaches – from non-dual teachings to devotional prayer – ultimately point to the same profound truth: that our natural state is already complete and peaceful, though often obscured by our thinking and doing.
This recognition manifests practically in the simple philosophy that “less is more” – not just in business, but in life itself. As we deepen our awareness of being aware, we discover an inherent beauty in existence that transforms h...
read moreby DW Green — November 27, 2024

Your friendship and trust mean the world to me.
Wishing all my clients a Happy Thanksgiving. Your friendship and trust mean the world to me. On this special day, I hope you are blessed with moments of genuine gratitude and presence with loved ones. The warmth of compassion, both given and received. Time to appreciate life’s precious gifts and acknowledge your own growth. May you connect with your inner joy and continue flourishing on your unique journey.Thank you for being part of my story....
read moreby DW Green — November 20, 2024

By remaining fluid and adaptable like water, we can discover creative alternatives that feel natural and require less strain.
Just as water flows effortlessly around obstacles, never fighting against rocks but simply finding new pathways, we too can learn to navigate life’s challenges with graceful adaptability. When a stream encounters a boulder, it doesn’t waste energy trying to force its way through; instead, it naturally discovers the path of least resistance, continuing its journey unimpeded. Similarly, when we face obstacles in our work or relationships, forcing solutions often creates more tension and resistance. Instead, by remaining fluid and adaptable like water, we can discover creative alternatives that feel natural and require less strain.Like plants that instinctively grow toward sunlight without doubt or hesitation, we possess an innate wisdom for recognizing opportunities that nourish our growth. A seedling doesn’t question its path or waste energy growing in numerous directions – it simply extends toward the light through the most direct route available. When encountering obstacles, like a fallen log blocking sunlight, plants don’t force their way through but gradually adjust their growth pattern, bending and reaching until they find ...
read moreby DW Green — November 13, 2024

What deeper connections might we recognize if we listened more carefully to our hearts?
Have you ever noticed how life’s deepest insights often come in the most ordinary moments? Recently, I experienced one of those unexpected revelations that reminded me how much we might miss when we rush through our days without truly listening to our hearts.What follows is a letter I wrote to dear friends after such a moment. I’m sharing it because I believe its message might resonate with many of you who are also discovering profound meanings in simple moments…Dear Ellen, Susan, and Julie,Last Friday, on my birthday, I was deeply touched by your wonderful greeting. As I wrote back to you Ellen, ‘It’s receiving these wonderful messages that makes life so special. I truly feel like we’re part of each other’s families, and I’m deeply grateful for each of you.’Later that evening, during something as ordinary as brushing my teeth, it dawned on me why I feel this sense of family connection so strongly – it’s unconditional love. Isn’t it amazing how life’s most profound realizations often come in these quiet, everyday moments when we truly listen to our hearts? This particular moment led me to reflect on my prayers about dedicating my life to uncondi...
read moreby DW Green — November 7, 2024

Many of the things that upset us are a product of the imagination, not reality.
The author Raymond Chandler was describing most of us when he wrote in a letter to his publisher, “I never looked back, although I had many uneasy periods looking forward.” Thomas Jefferson once joked in a letter to John Adams, “How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened!” And Seneca would put it best: “There is nothing so certain in our fears that’s not yet more certain in the fact that most of what we dread comes to nothing.”Many of the things that upset us are a product of the imagination, not reality. Like dreams, they are vivid and realistic at the time but preposterous once we come out of it. In a dream, we never stop to think and say: “Does this make any sense?” No, we go along with it. The same goes with our flights of anger or fear or other extreme emotions.Getting upset is like continuing the dream while you’re awake. The thing that provoked you wasn’t real—but your reaction to it was. And so from the fake comes real consequences. Which is why you need to wake up right now instead of creating DW Green — October 30, 2024

Pay attention to the things you hold onto in your leadership. The things that bind you.
When you let go you are free. Free to see and to act without filters. Difficulties will arise, celebrations will erupt, titles and people will come and go…and you will have gleaned the most you could from every moment and created experiences that will change you and the people you serve. Pay attention to the things you hold onto in your leadership. The things that bind you. Look at them unflinchingly and see them for what they are. Then let them go.Let go of…Control – You don’t really have it anyway. If you think you are in control rest assured that circumstances will conspire to teach you otherwise.Outcomes – Allow things to unfold differently than you imagined. The way you see the outcome determines what it will mean to you, not the outcome itself.Fear – When you are afraid, you project thoughts, attitudes and beliefs onto people and situations creating serious leadership blind spots.Knowing – When you let go of knowing you create room for learning. Otherwise, you are stuck.Proving – Trying to ...
read moreby DW Green — October 23, 2024

The original blueprint for existence itself appears to be rooted in relationship.
Core DefinitionsThe ancient Greek concept of Logos represents the fundamental ordering principle of the universe. In modern usage, a logo is a visual symbol that helps identify and distinguish organizations, while logotherapy is a therapeutic approach focused on helping people discover meaning in their lives.Exploring the ConnectionIs there a deeper connection between these three concepts – the cosmic Logos of Greek philosophy, the meaning-centered practice of logotherapy, and the art of modern logo design?The Role of Logos in BusinessIn business, a company’s logo serves as more than mere identification – it embodies the organization’s identity, values, and purpose. Like a welcoming face, it invites people into relationship with the company and signals a commitment to service.The Primacy of RelationshipPerhaps this connection isn’t coincidental. The original blueprint for existence itself appears to be rooted in relationship. The primordial Logos established relationality as a fundamental principle of reality....
read moreby DW Green — October 16, 2024

Life is a “progress,” a passage through time, “not a station,” never a stopping place.
As Emerson taught, life is a “progress,” a passage through time, “not a station,” never a stopping place. It is a progression of events that leads to insight, self-knowledge, and the discovery of our inner home. One experience at a time, we begin to understand who we really are and what happiness truly means for us. Then, what the poet Emerson wrote becomes glaringly clear: “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood....
read moreby DW Green — October 9, 2024

Community calls me to recognize the shadow side of myself: the ways in which I am hard, distant, rigid, and unforgiving.
Conflict often reveals something important, allowing me to yield to something bigger and more significant than protecting my ideas of right or wrong. Community calls me to recognize the shadow side of myself: the ways in which I am hard, distant, rigid, and unforgiving. It shows me when I am placing my needs before others, showing up distracted or late, and taking others for granted.
This presents an opportunity to ask essential questions: Can I be transparent and undefended without collapsing when this feedback comes my way? Can I notice, name, and investigate with open curiosity what I am feeling? Can I offer myself and others kind attention without judgment or blame?
The gift of community is the mirror that reflects back to me, offering a chance to live into a better version of myself.
read moreby DW Green — October 2, 2024

Intuitive knowing transcends the limitations of the physical world.
In navigating the complex web of connections and relationships, intuition emerges as a powerful guide. Far from being a mere gut feeling or unfounded hunch, intuition is a viable and scientifically credible path to understanding the true nature of things. It serves as a direct line to the wisdom of the universe, allowing us to apprehend truths that may lie beyond the reach of rational thought alone. Indeed, some of the most profound insights about existence can only be grasped through intuitive understanding.
This intuitive knowing transcends the limitations of the physical world. While our minds may be bound by concepts of geography and physical space, our deeper consciousness operates on the level of intention. In this ever-changing world, our intentions shape our reality and guide our journey through life.
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