
DW's Blog

The Community Mirror: Embracing Conflict as a Path to Personal Growth

by DW Green — August 7, 2024

Community life serves as a powerful mirror, reflecting back to us aspects of ourselves that we might otherwise overlook or avoid.

In the tapestry of human interaction, conflict often emerges as a thread we’d rather not see. Yet, it’s precisely these moments of tension and disagreement that can reveal the most about ourselves and offer the greatest opportunities for growth. When we encounter conflict, we’re presented with a choice: to entrench ourselves in our positions of “right” and “wrong,” or to yield to something larger and more profound.Community life serves as a powerful mirror, reflecting back to us aspects of ourselves that we might otherwise overlook or avoid. It’s within the crucible of communal living that we’re called to recognize our shadow side – those parts of ourselves that we may find uncomfortable or unpleasant. Through our interactions with others, we become aware of the ways in which we can be hard, distant, rigid, and unforgiving.This mirror of community doesn’t just show us our flaws; it reveals our patterns of behavior that impact others. We might notice how we sometimes place our needs before those of the group, show up distracted or late to commitments, or take others for granted. These realizations can be uncomfortable,...
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The Essence of Presence: Navigating Being in a World of Becoming

by DW Green — July 31, 2024

Although the human mind likes to believe it is dedicated to truth, in reality, it often seeks confirmation of existing beliefs.

‘Presence’ could be understood as PRE-SENSE: Being preceding senses, prior to any sensation. For any content to appear, the capacity of being must come first. In it, thought or sensation (scene, sound, scent, etc.) is known.

In loving ourselves, we love the world. Just as fire, rock, and water are all made of molecules, everything, including you and me, is connected by a small piece of the beginning. The living proof of God’s love and will for you is the gift of your own existence.

Although the human mind likes to believe it is dedicated to truth, in reality, it often seeks confirmation of existing beliefs. The ego is innately prideful and resists the revelation that many of its beliefs are merely perceptual illusions.

For the mind, it is always about becoming, instead of being. It projects into some future time. Yet there is no future time to become in. The actuality is right...

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Breaking Free: How Freedom Can Change Your Life and the World

by DW Green — July 24, 2024

When we’re free, we stop seeing the world as “us vs. them” or “right vs. wrong.”

Freedom is more than just doing whatever you want. It’s about freeing your mind from negative thoughts and seeing life in a new way. Imagine being stuck in traffic. Instead of getting angry, you could choose to use that time to listen to your favorite music or learn something new. That’s freedom – the power to find the good in any situation.When we’re free, we stop seeing the world as “us vs. them” or “right vs. wrong.” We don’t waste energy defending ourselves or trying to prove we’re better than others. Instead, we try to respond with kindness, even when others aren’t kind to us. It’s like choosing to smile at someone who frowns at you.This way of thinking can change not just our own lives, but the whole world. When more people choose freedom, it’s like a ripple effect. We start to see beyond the things that divide us, like anger, fear, or the need to control others. We begin to understand each other better and work together to solve problems.Freedom isn’t always easy. It takes practice to let go of old habits and negative feelings. But each time we choose to be free – to respond with love instead of anger, or to find opportunity in a challenge –...
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The Art of True Learning: Embracing the Unknown

by DW Green — July 17, 2024

It’s in this space between the known and the unknown that genuine growth occurs.

Learning is an extraordinary thing—not mere accumulation of knowledge, but a journey into the unknown. While gathering information is relatively easy, a process of moving from the known to the known, true learning involves venturing from the familiar into uncharted territory.

To learn is to embrace uncertainty, to step beyond the boundaries of what we already understand. It’s in this space between the known and the unknown that genuine growth occurs. Ask yourself: Isn’t this how you truly learn?

When we see the truth of “what is,” we free ourselves from the fear of insecurity. This fear often breeds attachment and can lead to the illusion of detachment or renunciation. However, loving “what is” marks the beginning of wisdom. Love alone has the power to share and truly commune with others and the world around us.

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The Awakening Enterprise: How Business Can Serve Our Highest Potential

by DW Green — July 10, 2024

In this paradigm, mastery is built upon the highest use of competitive qualities.

What is the true purpose of business, and whom does it ultimately serve? I propose a radical perspective: business can be a path to awakening.At its core, good business is about connectivity, relationships, sharing resources, and a sense of higher purpose. Just as personal relationships can be a direct route to spiritual growth, so too can our professional endeavors. In the realm of business, we grapple with fundamental human issues such as fairness, trust, respect, integrity, and transparency. By viewing business as a valid spiritual practice, we uncover hidden opportunities for both inner and outer growth.In this paradigm, mastery is built upon the highest use of competitive qualities. However, instead of competing against each other, we strive for individual and collective excellence. We compete to see who can be of the greatest service to the whole.By reframing business in this light, we create a space where economic activity becomes a powerful tool for personal transformation and societal progress. This approach challenges us to align our professional lives with our deepest values, fostering a business environment that nurtures both material and spiritual...
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Mind Games

by DW Green — July 3, 2024

When you are aware your mind is filtering your reality based on the past, you can change it with that awareness.

I usually think of mind games as something individuals intentionally play on rivals, subordinates, and peers. It happens in politics, office politics, in sports and relationships, used to gain advantage, manipulate or intimidate. It all seems pretty creepy to me. But as it turns out, we all play mind games with ourselves practically everyday.This internal mind game consists of the tricks your mind plays on you, making you see reality according to old memories, fears, wounds, prejudices, outworn beliefs, second-hand opinions, and early conditioning. When you are aware your mind is filtering your reality based on the past, you can change it with that awareness. In fact, awareness is the change.Awareness is huge. Seemingly so simple, yet so difficult to cultivate and sustain.

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by DW Green — June 25, 2024

Strong brands are enduring and successful over time.

Time is just an illusion. Albert Einstein said, “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Hmm.Well, this blog post is not about time as an illusion, but indirectly, it is about time.In my view a company’s BRAND is its most important asset. Strong brands are enduring and successful over time. Weak brands not so much. Wise leaders protect their brand by investing in their brand image. The brand is what connects their business with their customers, community and employees. Controlling expenses is critical but not at the expense of diluting or harming the brand. Marketing and promotional design must reflect the nature and professionalism of the brand. Poor design can have a negative effect on the relationship between the brand and its stakeholders.2024 will mark the 104th Anniversary of the National Football League. Impressive. Even with their recent hiccups, the NFL is a very successful and enduring brand!

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Holy Moly!

by DW Green — June 19, 2024

In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate, collapsing into a white dwarf.

Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known — an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy, devoid of why. Holy Moly!In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate, collapsing into a white dwarf. We exist only by chance, after all.

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by DW Green — June 12, 2024

The source of pain is not the belief system itself but one’s attachment to it and the inflation of its imaginary value.

Attachment is the process whereby the suffering of loss occurs, irrespective of what the attachment is to or about: whether internal or external; whether object, relationship, social quality, or aspects of physical life. The ego perpetuates itself through its elaborate network of values, belief systems and programs. Needs thus arise that gain more energy as they become embellished and elaborated, sometimes to the point of fixation.The source of pain is not the belief system itself but one’s attachment to it and the inflation of its imaginary value. The inner processing of attachments is dependent on the exercise of the will, which alone has the power to undo the mechanism of attachment by the process of surrender. This may be subjectively experienced or contextualized as sacrifice, although it is actually a liberation. The emotional pain of loss arises from the attachment itself and not from the “what” that has been lost.

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Don’t Let Your Attention Slide

by DW Green — May 29, 2024

Attention is a habit…

David Meyer, a cognitive scientist at the University of Michigan, stated: “Einstein didn’t invent the theory of relativity while he was multitasking at the Swiss patent office.” It came after, when he really had time to focus and study. Attention matters—and in an era in which our attention is being fought for by every new app, website, article, book, tweet, and post, its value has only gone up.Attention is a habit, and letting your attention slip and wander builds bad habits and enables mistakes.You’ll never complete all your tasks if you allow yourself to be distracted with every tiny interruption. Your attention is one of your most critical resources. Don’t squander it!

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