
Archive — January, 2015

Award Winning Commercial: Kessler’s California Strawberries

by webmaster — January 15, 2015

The National Grocers Association recently conducted their 2015 Creative Choice Awards, and we’re proud to announce a win in the “Connections through Traditional Media (TV and Radio)” category for one of the television commercials we produced for Kessler’s in Aberdeen SD. ...

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Cyber Monday

by Ryan Joy — November 25, 2011

Last year we helped the outstanding team at Trig’s launch their Facebook page and plan their social media promotions. One of their most successful social media promos was offering online-only coupons (Facebook and Trig’ on “Cyber Monday“. ...

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Social Media: So What? Part 2

by Ryan Joy — February 4, 2010

A consultant group we respect recently recommended that companies wait to get involved in social media because there are "no clear and obvious benefits." While they may not be "clear and obvious," we believe that the benefits of social media are significant. Here are three of them...

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Social Media: So What?

by Ryan Joy — February 4, 2010

A consultant group we respect recently recommended that companies wait to get involved in social media because there are "no clear and obvious benefits." While they may not be "clear and obvious," we believe that the benefits of social media are significant. Here are three of them...

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Social Media: So What?

by Ryan Joy — January 28, 2010

We've previously addressed what social media is and how to get started, yet with anything that's as hyped as this new platform, the questions that often need addressing are: "Why should I care?" "What does this have to do with my business?" and "What are the benefits?" A consultant group we respect recently recommended that companies wait to get involved in social media because it changes so often, most companies do it poorly, and there are "no clear and obvious benefits."

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Social Media: So What? Part 1

by Ryan Joy — January 28, 2010

We've previously addressed what social media is and how to get started, yet with anything that's as hyped as this new platform, the questions that often need addressing are: "Why should I care?" "What does this have to do with my business?" and "What are the benefits?" A consultant group we respect recently recommended that companies wait to get involved in social media because it changes so often, most companies do it poorly, and there are "no clear and obvious benefits."

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