
Company News

To Blog or Not to Blog

by webmaster — January 14, 2010

“A shortened form of the word ‘weblog,’ a blog can be both cost effective and effective.”

When it comes to social media and your business, a blog is one of the best choices for your online business strategy and can be a vital business tool, given that a staggering majority of the information shared around the globe today is electronic. When done well, your business blog can reach a huge audience of potential customers who care about what you have to say and can help build and enhance your company’s brand and visibility.

Here are five of the many reasons why you should consider starting a business blog:

  1. The ease of adding posts. With blogging, no technical knowledge is required; you can be yourself, relatively speaking (you still have to mind your manners in the blogosphere!). The people who read blogs are ‘real,’ so you can, and should, write from the first-person perspective, as if you’re telling each reader a story. Be helpful. Be brief. Be thoughtful.
  2. Building business-customer relationships via blog comments. When your readers respond to your posts, you have the opportunity to open up dialogue with current and potential customers. Blogs help strengthen business communications on a personal level, going far beyond the customer comment card.
  3. Increasing the value of your business. A well-kept blog helps humanize your business and enhances your products and services, thus increasing the value of your business in the eyes and minds of your customers.
  4. The potential to reach large audiences. Blogging offers you the ability to reach large audiences via keyword-rich blog posts that utilize search engine optimization. With just about every person searching the Web these days on just about every subject, there is an audience for every blog post. Blogging for your business also gives you the ability to become a trusted source of authority.
  5. Differentiation. Well-crafted blog posts (that also occasionally include photos or podcasts) set you apart from your competition, showing and telling how your business, products, and services are unique.

A business blog can take your company to a new level of marketing with little effort, and two of the most beautiful things about blogging are: 1) The blogger does not need to be the perfect writer, and 2) The blogger does not need to worry that their posts are not going to draw record numbers of readers. A business blogger simply needs to keep the goal of the blog in mind, whether that be customer service, business-customer engagement, or a different strategy altogether. Additional characteristics that most bloggers possess include the desire to: be helpful, connect with others, build relationships, and listen. A business blog is simple and straightforward, and a great way to build your brand, and your business.

If you’re interested in learning more about starting a business blog, give us a call at 800.253.7146, or send us an email.

Filed Under: Company News

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