DW's Blog
by DW Green — December 14, 2016
Yesterday two things of note happened. Early in the morning I read the following quote. “Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.”—Byron Katie
I had never “looked” at life like that before…that things happen for you, not to you. Reflecting on that perspective, it made very good sense to me. While we have minimal control over what happens in our life, we have complete control over how we choose to respond to life’s happenings. And to realize that what happens is for me, makes my choice on how to respond much easier and more meaningful.
Then later in the morning I read an email from a very dear friend who informed me that he was recently diagnosed with leukemia. I thought, wow, now how does leukemia happen for him and not to him? And sure he doesn’t have to like it, but how is it easier to accept if he does? Amazingly, here is what he wrote…
“This past week I was diagnosed with a form of leukemia. Fortunately it is the good kind (I think)…We’ll find out next week. It could be something very simple to treat…. But…. I am sharing this with you because of my incredible experience of facing my own mortality….It was actually an awesome experience…..One word… Gratitude…I couldn’t believe how grateful I became of this incredible life I have lived. Either way, good or bad news, I was totally in a place of living every moment (mindfulness) and appreciating myself in a different way for the first time in my life. My only pain was seeing the reaction of those close to me. There have been a lot of tears from my immediate family and I am responding with smiles. I see that I have a “leadership” role to play in how to deal with our future. I am not in denial, but I have huge faith that this will become a contribution to our lives. Life will be what it will be…Life is a journey and I am so grateful to have unique and incredible friends like you!”
My friend’s words brought tears to my eyes. And reading them again right now, they bring more tears. This is an amazing man and an incredible friend. I pray for a successful outcome. I am grateful and blessed for his friendship. But regardless of what happens, the beauty and power of his response will further endear him to his loved ones.
In a very odd way, at least in my friend’s eyes, on some level, this dastardly disease has enriched his life. Perhaps the surest way to find happiness and fulfillment in life is to thank and praise your Source for everything that happens for you. Then even when a calamity arises, you can be assured that you’ll turn it into a blessing.
Read More – Special Little things
Filed Under: DW's Blog
Adam his words are so true. 4 years ago I had a heart attack and was told that 70% of men do not survive the “Widow Maker” Heart Attack. It was a good thing to be on the 30% side of a equation for once. I ended up have a second stent put in 7 months later because the first wasn’t properly placed and then a 3rd procedure to fix the second stents poor placement again (different doctors both times). These incidents are all blessings. I live life different now. I’m much more grateful, I try to never say no I can’t go any more because of work. You can’t explain it to a person who hasn’t flirted with death yet. I was always a giving and caring person, now it a mission to give back and make the world a better place, one person at a time. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I’ll send you the front page Christmas morning article in our local paper about my heart attack and feeling grateful. Bob