
Company Blog

Do You Hear What I Hear

by Adam Zack — February 1, 2017

Perpetrator of bad listening

Perpetrator of bad listening

Recently we were asked by a store to present our marketing, design and web capabilities. The presentation required flights and a rental car and a full day of travel. During a pre-trip phone call I heard the marketing director say, “Of course we know that there’s travel expense that we expect to get charged for.” The key word here is “heard”, because when we submitted the travel expense for reimbursement we were answered that they would never have thought of reimbursing travel expenses. Never. So DW wondered if maybe my hearing was going bad. Was there too much hair growing in my ears? Nope, I checked. A few stragglers maybe, but not enough to obstruct the ear canal. Maybe I was drunk? Nope, it was an 11:00 a.m. phone call. On a weekday. In winter. So maybe I was just the perpetrator of bad listening. Hearing, but not listening, jumping to conclusions and assuming (making a royal ASS out of U and ME). In any case, one of the takeaways of the experience is a thing that you NEVER do, which made my mind wander to things you never do (or at least should never do):

  1. Wash your rental car before returning it.
  2. Tug on Superman’s cape or spit into the wind.
  3. Look into the muzzle of a gun to see if it’s loaded.
  4. Pick your nose and eat it.
  5. Shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
  6. Give yourself a haircut (unless it’s a “skin to win” shave)
  7. Argue with a woman when’s she’s tired.
  8. Argue with a woman when she’s rested.
  9. Kiss any part of yourself in front of another person.
  10. Assume that all farts are funny*.

*Learned this one the hard way on a recent flight when sitting behind (or next too – but way too near to) an expert in “Silent but deadly.”

Read More – Human Beings Are Meaning Making Machines

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