Company Blog
Tipping Point
by Adam Zack — December 11, 2024

“…it’s about making someone’s day a little better.”
As I’ve said before, pretty much everything we do revolves around money. How much did you save? What kind of deal can I get? That’s too expensive. There’s a big sale coming up. Sales are up. Sales are down. Inflation is up. Honestly, I hate thinking about it. I hate even saying it. But no matter how much I wish I could avoid balancing budgets, deciding what to spend, and planning for Christmas, it’s just a fact of life.
One of my earliest money-related memories was from when I was about 10 years old. We were in San Francisco with my biological father, having lunch at a very nice restaurant called Scoma’s. There were six of us, I think. When the bill came, my dad prepared to leave a $4 tip. Yes, four dollars. Now, this was about 50 years ago, so while inflation wasn’t what it is today, even then, $4 was borderline insulting.
I remember begging him to leave more. I couldn’t stand the idea of walking out of that restaurant branded as “Son of Cheapass” by the staff. To his credit—or maybe just to get me to stop—he did leave a little more, albeit grudgingly. But his reasoning stuck with me: “It’s the same service you’d get at Denny’s.”
That idea never sat right with me. Sure, the server at Scoma’s brings your food just like the one at Denny’s, but there’s a bigger picture. Restaurant workers depend on tips to make ends meet, and I’ve always tried to remember that. Anytime I catch myself tempted to skimp on a tip, I think back to that day and remind myself: “It’s only a couple bucks more. Don’t be such a cheapass.”
Because sometimes, a few extra dollars isn’t just about the money—it’s about making someone’s day a little better.
Read More – Being: The Ultimate Simplicity
Filed Under: Company Blog