Company Blog
Freshman Fears
by Adam Zack — October 16, 2024

One way to make things easier for the “freshmen in life” is to be the mentor you wish you had.
Is it what it is?
by Adam Zack — October 9, 2024

Consistent mediocrity is like handing your competitors a VIP pass to steal your customers.
Don’t take me for granted
by Adam Zack — October 2, 2024

Don’t let your loyal customers feel like they’re just part of the furniture.
Captain Know-It-All
by Adam Zack — September 25, 2024

Your wins vastly outnumber your losses.
Presentation and Punctuation
by Adam Zack — September 18, 2024

Seriously, folks—customers buy with their eyes!
2. Presentation
3. Presentation
Seriously, folks—customers buy with their eyes! If your food doesn’t look great, it doesn’t matter how good it tastes; it’s like trying to sell a sunset in a bottle—nobody’s buying that. Sure, you can entice them with a taste of your delicious (but regrettably named) Ugly Rice Salad, but with hundreds of fresh food options out there, you can’t expect people to sample every hideous dish that crosses your path.Fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, salads, hot foods—they all need to look mouthwatering. That’s why packaging and signage are a billion-dollar industry; they tell the delicious story of your food. But what about the words on that packaging and signage? Since so much of our commerce revolves around food, grammar becomes everyone’s favorite recipe for disaster.Here are some real signs I’ve spotted in grocery stores:
- Banana’s 59¢
- Open Sunday’s 11:00-4:00
- Jam’s and Jellies
- Black Grapeless Grapes $1.48
- Pop Tards 2.69
- Yumbo Jams 3 lbs/$1
- Rot Chicken 7.99 more
Looking Forward to Failure
by Adam Zack — September 11, 2024

“(Failure) is a top-tier learning tool, and—spoiler alert—your wins far outnumber the losses.”
Your Best
by Adam Zack — September 4, 2024

“When you give your best, your employees notice.”
Paths of resistance
by Adam Zack — August 28, 2024

Relating is good, right?
by Adam Zack — August 21, 2024

I aspire to be a listener … that leaves my co-conversationalist thinking (or even saying) “Man, you’re a good listener. Talking to you made me better.”
Alaska with his wife and what an awesome time they had. “I went on a cruise to Alaska!” I said
and proceeded to tell him about the time I went, how great the food was (and the drinks were
included!) and how I loved the cities and how beautiful the glaciers were and how I saw whales
and bald eagles. Man, it was a great trip. I could totally relate to that trip! Stop there: He didn’t
ask me if I had been to Alaska. He didn’t inquire which towns I liked best. He didn’t even ask if
I’d been on any vacation lately. But I could relate, right? Well, by relating I:
- Stopped listening to him to think about what my response would be.
- Made the conversation about me instead of him.
- Diminished his story by trying to trump it with mine.
momma! And the lesson that relating is not always a good thing really showed me how I more
Non-Verbal Communication
by Adam Zack — August 14, 2024

You learn tone the hard way as a kid, when your mom said, “Don’t use that tone with me, mister!”