
DW's Blog

For The Hot-Headed Man

by DW Green — February 5, 2020

Anger is not impressive or tough—it’s a mistake.

Why do athletes talk trash to each other? Why do they deliberately say offensive and nasty things to their competitors when the refs aren’t looking? To provoke a reaction. Distracting and anger opponents is an easy way to knock them off their game.Try to remember that when you find yourself getting mad. Anger is not impressive or tough—it’s a mistake. It’s weakness. Depending on what you’re doing, it might even be a trap that someone laid for you.Fans and opponents called boxer Joe Louis the “Ring Robot” because he was utterly unemotional—his cold, calm demeanor was far more terrifying that any crazed look or emotional outburst would have been.Strength is the ability to maintain a hold of oneself. It’s being the person who never gets mad, who cannot be rattled, because they are in control of their passions—rather than controlled by their passions.


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What We Control and What We Don’t

by DW Green — January 29, 2020

You don’t control the situation, but you control what you think about it.

Today, you won’t control the external events that happen. Is that scary? A little, but it’s balanced when we see that we can control our opinion about those events. You decide whether they’re good or bad, whether they’re fair or unfair. You don’t control the situation, but you control what you think about it.See how that works? Every single thing that is outside your control—the outside world, other people, luck, karma, whatever—still presents a corresponding area that is in your control. This alone gives us plenty to manage, plenty of power.Best of all, an honest understanding of what is within our control provides real clarity about the world: all we have is our own mind. Remember that today when you try to extend your reach outward—that it’s much better and more appropriately directed inward.

Read More – The Party and You

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Who, What, Where, When, and Why, 2.0

by DW Green — January 22, 2020

“Who are you?”

The late comedian Mitch Hedberg (died at age 37) had a funny story he told in his act. Sitting down for an on-air interview, a radio DJ asked him, “So, who are you?” In that moment, he had to think, Is this guy really deep or did I drive to the wrong station? How often are we asked a simple question like, “Who are you?” or “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Considering it a superficial question—if we even consider it all—we don’t bother with more than a superficial answer.But, gun to their head, most people couldn’t give much in the way of a substantive answer. Could you? Have you taken the time to get clarity about who you are and what you stand for? Or are you too busy chasing unimportant things, mimicking the wrong influences, and following disappointing or unfulfilling or nonexistent paths?

Read More – Platonic Leadership

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Be Ruthless To The Things That Don’t Matter

by DW Green — January 14, 2020

The more you say no to the things that don’t matter, the more you can yes to the things that do.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to say “No.” To invitations, to requests, to obligations, to the stuff that everyone else is doing. Even harder is saying no to certain time-consuming emotions: anger, excitement, distraction, obsession, lust. None of these impulses feels like a big deal by itself, but run amok, they become a commitment like anything else.If you’re not careful, these are precisely the impositions that will overwhelm and consume your life. Do you ever wonder how you can get some of your time back, how you can feel less busy? Start by learning the power of “No!”— as in “No thank you,” and “No, I’m not going to get caught up in that,” and “No, I just can’t right now.” It may hurt some feelings. It may turn people off. It may take some hard work. But the more you say no to the things that don’t matter, the more you can yes to the things that do. This will let you live and enjoy your life—the life that you want.

Read More – My time is your time

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Give Thanks

by DW Green — January 8, 2020

Gratitude is infectious…

“In all things we should try to make ourselves be as grateful as possible. For gratitude is a good thing for ourselves, in a manner in which justice, commonly held to belong to others, is not. Gratitude pays itself back in large measure.” —Seneca
Think of all the things you can be grateful for today. That you are alive, that you live in a time primarily of peace, that you have enough health and leisure to do pretty much what you like. What of the little things? The person who smiled at you, the women who held the door open, that song you like on the radio, the pleasant weather.Gratitude is infectious. Its positivity is radiant. It always puts a smile on my face, a hearty chuckle and a warm sigh of fulfillment.Even if today was your last day on earth—if you knew in advance that it was going to end in a few short hours—would there still be plenty to be grateful for? How much better would your life be if you kicked off every day like that? If you let it (gratitude) carry through from morning to night and touch every part of your life?

Read More – Revisiting Why

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It’s Just A Number

by DW Green — December 31, 2019

“Life is long if you know how to use it.”

They say age is just a number, but to some people it’s a very important one—otherwise, women wouldn’t lie about being younger, and ambitious young men wouldn’t lie about being older. Rich people and health nuts spend billions of dollars in an effort to move the expiration date from around seventy-eight years to hopefully forever.The number of years we manage to eke out doesn’t matter, only what those years are composed of. Seneca put it best when he said, “Life is long if you know how to use it.” Sadly, most people don’t—they waste the life they’ve been given. Only when it is too late do they try to compensate for that waste by vainly hoping to put more time on the clock.Use today. Use every day. Be Present. Make yourself satisfied with what you have been given.

Read More – Less is more

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Between Stimulus and Response

by DW Green — December 23, 2019

Happy New Year!

This seems like a good New Years quote. Or at least something to be mindful in 2020! It’s a great quote, and one that I have read many times over the years. It’s a very profound statement, written by Victor Frank, a Holocaust survivor. Not sure why it is, that when one learns of a powerful life tool, one quickly forgets, filing it in a distant folder somewhere inside our brain.“Between stimulus and response there is a space_______________.In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”—Victor FranklThat “space” between stimulus and response is awareness. And it’s within that awareness we consciously choose a more thoughtful response.Coming from a place of stillness and silence, we are wiser, less reactive, less conditioned, more creative and more intuitive, so we are more likely to respond to life rather than have a knee-jerk reaction to it.Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

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Merry Christmas

by DW Green — December 18, 2019

Christmas is about Love and Joy.

Merry Christmas! Regardless of your religious preference or belief system, the Christmas season represents the Best in mankind. Christmas is about Peace and Goodwill to all. It’s about Love and Joy. Compassion. Appreciation. Humility. And Goodness. It’s about Giving and Receiving. About caring and embracing. About Acceptance. Gratitude. And Listening. It’s about being of service to one another. It’s about Spirit. And Wholeness. It’s about Unity and getting along. And it’s about Connection and Oneness with all things of this world and beyond.Wishing you All a Very Merry, Joy-filled Christmas, and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!With much love and appreciation.

Read More – It’s the most wonderful time of the year?

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Turning Down Requests

by DW Green — December 11, 2019

We must learn to make a conscious choice to say no to anything that takes us away from an inspired life.

We talked about the hero mindset last week in my retreat group. Many of us felt like having to say Yes to requests, when turning them down might be a better response. I read the following Tuesday morning by Wayne Dyer. This touches on turning down requests and much more. Enjoy.Joy
A hectic schedule crammed with non-purposeful activities precludes an experience of inspiration; we feel joy draining from our body and spirit. When the calendar becomes frenzied, full of unnecessary turbulence because we’ve failed to simplify, we won’t be able to hear those long-distance calls from our Source… and we’ll slip into stress, anguish, and even depression. So whatever it takes to feel joy, we simply must act upon it. Regardless of our current station in life, we have a spiritual contract to make joy our constant companion—so we must learn to make a conscious choice to say no to anything that takes us away from an inspired life. This can be done gently, while clearly showing others that this is how we choose to live. We can start by turning down requests that involve actions that don’t correspond with our inner knowing a
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Are feelings relevant in an organization?

by DW Green — December 4, 2019

What is the underlying purpose of your organization?

Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, I became a non-conformist, a maverick, and a Beatles fan, always questioning and challenging the status quo.I think that’s why the study of brands is so appealing to me. Branding is about connecting companies emotionally to their customers and helping them differentiate themselves in their markets. It’s about leading, not following. It’s about competing with yourself, making your company better, stronger, staying relevant in an ever-changing world and creating the best possible shopping EXPERIENCE for the customer.Take a look at a different organizational paradigm. Consider refocusing on the deep longings we have for community, meaning, dignity, purpose, and love in our organizational lives. Begin to look at the strong emotions of being human, rather than segmenting ourselves by believing that love doesn’t belong at work, or that feelings are irrelevant in an organization. Begin to see ourselves in much richer dimensions, to appreciate our wholeness, and hopefully, to design organizations that honor and make use of the great gift of who we humans are.In a word, it’s purpose. What is the underlying purpose of your organization?

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