
DW's Blog

Expect To Change Your Opinions

by DW Green — August 3, 2022

Be doubly careful to honor what you do not know…

How often do we begin some project certain we know exactly it will go? How often do we meet people and think we know exactly who and what they are? And how often are these assumptions proved to be completely and utterly wrong?This is why we must fight our biases and preconceptions: because they are a liability. Ask yourself: What haven’t I considered? Why is this thing the way it is? Am I part of the problem here or the solution? Could I be wrong here? Be doubly careful to honor what you do not know, and then set that against the knowledge you actually have.Remember, if there is one core teaching at the heart of this philosophy. It’s that we’re not as smart and wise as we’d like to think we are. If we ever do want to become wise, it comes from the questioning and from humility—not, as many would like to think, from certainty, mistrust, and arrogance.

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Trust But Verify

by DW Green — July 27, 2022

We are constantly making split decisions based on years of experience and knowledge.

One of the wonders of your mind is the quickness with which it can comprehend and categorize things. As Malcom Gladwell wrote in Blink, we are constantly making split decisions based on years of experience and knowledge as well as using the same skill to confirm prejudices, stereotypes, and assumptions. Clearly, the former thinking is a source of strength, whereas the latter is a great weakness.We lose very little by taking a beat to consider our own thoughts. Is this really so bad? What do I really need know about this person? Why do I have such strong feelings here? Is anxiety really adding much to the situation? What’s so special about­­______________?By asking these questions—by putting our impressions to the test—we’re less likely to be carried away by them or make a move on a mistaken or biased one. We’re still free to use our instincts, but we should always, as the Russian proverb says, “trust, but verify.”Trust but verify is a Russian proverb, made famous by President Ronald Regan.

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by DW Green — July 20, 2022

Business is about relationality.

Logos in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe. A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. Logotherapy is a therapeutic approach that helps people find personal meaning in life.I wonder if there is any symmetry in meaning and expression between the Ancient Greek principle of Logos, the science of meaning through logotheraphy and the modern activity of logo design.In business, a company logo represents its identity, its values and meaning. The logo is the face of the company. It says welcome to our home, we’re here to serve!We could say that the original blueprint for everything that exists is relationship. The first blueprint for reality (Logos) was relationality. Relationality is not about comparison; it is about unity and kinship. A relational reality creates relationships between ideas or entities, it is an affective force that compels us to not just understand the world as relational, but feel the world as kin. So too with business. Business is about relationality. Think about it.

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Holy Moly!

by DW Green — July 13, 2022

In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate…

Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known — an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy, devoid of why. Holy Moly!In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate, collapsing into a white dwarf. We exist only by chance, after all.

Read More – Life Advice From Unexpected Sources

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Inner Terrain

by DW Green — July 6, 2022

“The full person God created us to be contains more than we can imagine…”

Cathedrals. Castles. Temples. However we describe our inner terrain, one thing is certain: we tend to live in just a few rooms of our inner landscape. The full person God created us to be contains more than we can imagine, but most of us dwell within only a small portion of the superb castle of ourselves. Opening the door of our heart allows us entrance to the vast treasure of who we are and to the divine presence within us.

Read More – How Important Is Your Phone?

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by DW Green — June 29, 2022

“Presence is a grace offered in each moment.”

Most of my spiritual journey has been about learning how to be present and, from that grounding in presence, learning how to allow love to be what moves me. Presence seems to be something received, that comes to us through a kind of willingness more than through some forceful effort. We come to understand that our will does not operate quite as we might imagine. There is an element of grace, of something miraculous arising in us which gives us the capacity to be awake to our experience.For me, presence is a grace offered in each moment. It allows whatever I am feeling to be transmuted into something useful, for myself, for the situation I may be in, and perhaps for some greater good.

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by DW Green — June 22, 2022

Silence has its own weight and quality.

Silence is always there beneath sound and is the space where sound can exist. We tend to think of silence as the absence of sound, but silence has its own weight and quality. When you listen to silence, you can perceive its intense depth and power. Taking the time to experience silence calms the mind and rejuvenates the body. Silence is the void where we can hear the many sounds that we often ignore — the voice of our intuition telling us the truth, the sound of the breeze blowing, the hum of the radiator, and the noises we make just because we are alive. When we pause, we reconnect to ourselves, to others, to nature, to the world around us.

Read More – Get Moving

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Commencement Address

by DW Green — June 15, 2022

Learn the ways and means of the ancient yogi masters, pied pipers, cloud walkers and medicine men.

Recently a good friend, Don Gale, told a story about fiction writer Tom Robbins. Seems Don’s brother Tom gave Don a copy of Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. My older brother also gave me a copy of Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. And probably near the same time! It’s a great book. I have read most of Tom Robbins books. I recommend them all!Anyway, since May and June are graduation months, I thought it good to share a small portion of Tom Robbins Commencement address with you. I like Mr. Robbins perspective and sense of humor.This commencement address was delivered Friday, June 7, 1974 in Oak Harbor Washington.“So be your own authority, lead yourselves. Learn the ways and means of the ancient yogi masters, pied pipers, cloud walkers and medicine men. Get in harmony with nature. Listen to the loony rhythms of your blood. Look for beauty and poetry in everything in life. Let there be no moon that does not know you, no spring that does not lick you with its tongues. Refuse to play it safe, for it is from the wavering edge of risk that the sweetest honey of freedom drips and drips. Live dangerously, live lo...
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The Color Of Your Thoughts

by DW Green — June 8, 2022

Close if off and you’ll become closed-minded.

If you bend your body into a sitting position every day for a long enough period of time, the curvature of your spine changes. A doctor can tell from a radiograph (or an autopsy) whether someone sat at a desk for a living. If you shove your feet into tiny narrow dress shoes each day, your feet begin to take on that form as well.The same is true for our mind. If you hold a perpetually negative outlook, soon enough everything you encounter will seem negative. Close if off and you’ll become closed-minded. Color it with the wrong thoughts and your life will be dyed the same.

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Why Do You Need To Impress These People Again?

by DW Green — June 1, 2022

“We buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like.”

Is there anything sadder than the immense lengths we’ll go to impress someone? The things we’ll do to earn someone’s approval can seem, when examined in retrospect, like the result of some temporary form of insanity. Suddenly we’re wearing uncomfortable, ridiculous clothes we’ve been told are cool, eating differently, eagerly waiting for a call or text. If we did these things because we liked it, that would be one thing. But that’s not what it is. It’s just a means to an end—to get someone to give us a nod.The irony is that the people whose opinion we covet are not all that great. They’re flawed—they’re distracted and wowed by all sorts of silly things themselves. We know this and yet we don’t want to think about it. To quote Fight Club, “We buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like.”Doesn’t that sound pretty ridiculous? But more than that, isn’t it about as far as possible as you can get from the serenity and security that a ten-minute meditation can provide?

Read More – It’s All Personal

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