DW's Blog
Holy Moly!
by DW Green — June 19, 2024
Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known — an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy, devoid of why. Holy Moly!In four billion years, our own star will follow its fate, collapsing into a white dwarf. We exist only by chance, after all.Read More – Authentic
...read moreAttachment
by DW Green — June 12, 2024
Attachment is the process whereby the suffering of loss occurs, irrespective of what the attachment is to or about: whether internal or external; whether object, relationship, social quality, or aspects of physical life. The ego perpetuates itself through its elaborate network of values, belief systems and programs. Needs thus arise that gain more energy as they become embellished and elaborated, sometimes to the point of fixation.The source of pain is not the belief system itself but one’s attachment to it and the inflation of its imaginary value. The inner processing of attachments is dependent on the exercise of the will, which alone has the power to undo the mechanism of attachment by the process of surrender. This may be subjectively experienced or contextualized as sacrifice, although it is actually a liberation. The emotional pain of loss arises from the attachment itself and not from the “what” that has been lost.Read More – Here Lies Weird
...read moreDon’t Let Your Attention Slide
by DW Green — May 29, 2024
David Meyer, a cognitive scientist at the University of Michigan, stated: “Einstein didn’t invent the theory of relativity while he was multitasking at the Swiss patent office.” It came after, when he really had time to focus and study. Attention matters—and in an era in which our attention is being fought for by every new app, website, article, book, tweet, and post, its value has only gone up.Attention is a habit, and letting your attention slip and wander builds bad habits and enables mistakes.You’ll never complete all your tasks if you allow yourself to be distracted with every tiny interruption. Your attention is one of your most critical resources. Don’t squander it!Read More – Helping and Fixing
...read moreHaragei
by DW Green — May 22, 2024
In Japan, there is a tradition known as haragei, which refers to the subtle communication that occurs between people through chemistry, facial expressions, body language, and intuition. It has been proven that a significant percentage of all communication between humans takes place at this unconscious level. In haragei, the most important factors in communication are honesty and intent.
If you are concealing something, no matter how adept you think you are at hiding it, it will always be communicated at an unconscious level. Even if we override our own intuition, the hidden factor will eventually surface at some point in the relationship, often leading to a crisis.
Just as in haragei, honesty and intent are paramount in all aspects of life and communication. When we communicate with sincerity and truthfulness, we build trust and foster deeper connections with others. On the other hand, when we conceal our true intentions or feelings, we create barriers and undermine the foundation of our relationships.
To cultivate meaningful and authentic relationships, it is essential to practice open and honest communicatio...
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