DW's Blog
What Will Prosperity Reveal?
by DW Green — May 27, 2020
There’s an old proverb that money doesn’t change people, it just makes them more of who they are. Robert Caro has written that “power doesn’t corrupt, it reveals.” In some ways, prosperity—financial and personal—is the same way.If your mind has developed a certain cast— like the habit of panicking—then it won’t matter how good things get for you. You’re still primed for panic. Your mind will still find things to worry about, and you’ll still be miserable. Perhaps more so even, because now you have more to lose.This is why it’s foolish to hope for good fortune. If you were to hope for one thing, you could hope for the strength of character that’s able to thrive in good fortune. Or better, work for that kind of character and confidence. Consider every action and every thought—think of them as building blocks of your indestructible character. Then work to make each one strong and significant in its own right.Read More – The Easy Route
...read moreDid You Know?
by DW Green — May 20, 2020
The impact of Native American spirituality had a profound effect on the founding fathers of the Constitution of the United States in that the Congress is almost an exact replica of the political structure of Iroquois Nation. WOW!In more recent times, that Native American spirituality has been weakened by politicians and resultant exploitation. In reality, the American Indian is greatly honored everywhere. Whole states, cities, rivers, mountains, and great lakes are named after them. The greatest sports teams, noted for courage and bravery, proudly carry their name; yet, the political distortion is to declare that such honors are really defamations and politically incorrect. How such glory could be misconstrued as an indignity is beyond comprehension, but it demonstrates how truth gets distorted into its opposite for political gain.P.S.RIP Ken Osmond, aka Eddie Haskell. Leave It To Beaver was my favorite show as a kid! Hilarious!Read More – Who Matters
...read moreYou Hold The Trump Card
by DW Green — May 13, 2020
We could look at the upcoming day and despair at all the things we don’t control: other people, our health, the temperature, the outcome of a project once it leaves our hands. Or even COVID-19.Or we could look out at that very same day and rejoice at the one thing we do control: the ability to decide what any event means.This second option offers the ultimate power—a true and fair form of control. If you had control over other people, wouldn’t other people have control over you? Instead, what you’ve been granted is the fairest and most usable of trump cards.While you don’t control external events, you retain the ability to decide how you respond to those events. You control what every external event means to you personally.This includes the difficult one in front of you right now. You’ll find, if you approach it right, that this trump card is plenty.Read More – Words Matter
...read moreThe Vulnerability Of Dependence
by DW Green — May 6, 2020
We’re all addicts in one way or another. We’re addicted to our routines, to our coffee, to our comfort, to someone else’s approval. These dependencies mean we’re not in control of our own lives—the dependency is.The subjects of our affection can be removed from us at a moment’s notice. Our routines can be disrupted, the doctor can forbid us from drinking coffee, we can be thrust into uncomfortable solutions.This is why we must strengthen ourselves by testing these dependencies before they become too great. Can you try going without this or that for a day? Can you put yourself on a diet for a month? Can you resist the urge to pick up the phone to make the call? Have you ever taken a cold shower? It’s not so bad after the first couple of times. Have you ever driven a friend’s car while the nicer one you own was in the shop? Was it really that bad? Make yourself invulnerable to your dependency on comfort and convenience, or one day your vulnerability might bring you to your knees.Read More – Multitasking Failure
...read moreFlexibility of the Will
by DW Green — April 29, 2020
When you set your mind to a task, do you always follow through? It’s an impressive feat if you do. But don’t let yourself become a prisoner of that kind of determination. That asset might become a liability someday.Conditions change. New facts come in. Circumstances arise. If you can’t adapt to them—if you simply proceed onward, unable to adjust according to this additional information—you are no better than a robot. The point is not to have an iron will, but an adaptable will—a will that makes full use of reason to clarify perception, impulse, and judgment to act effectively for the right purpose.It’s not weak to change and adapt. Flexibility is its own kind of strength. In fact, this flexibility combined with strength is what will make us resilient and unstoppable.Read More – You gotta keep ’em
...read moreLife Unfolds As It Will
by DW Green — April 22, 2020
I read this article last week, written by Madisyn Taylor. Initially I thought it may offer some insight regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. But on second thought, it doesn’t, not directly anyway. It’s about pace, haste, evolution, patience and present moment awareness. While we can plan and prepare for all things future, all we really have is the gift of life NOW.“Our lives are guided by natural rhythms that are particular to each of us and cannot be altered by force of will alone. Life itself is a journey made up of processes and events that manifest before us only to be swept away when time marches on. Whether we envision ourselves creating a career, building a family, or developing the self, we instinctively know when the time has come for us to realize our dreams because all that is involved comes together harmoniously. When the time is right, the passage of destiny cannot be blocked. Yet as desperate as we are to touch these beautiful futures we have imagined, we cannot grow if we are not fully present in the evolutionary experience. The present can be challenging, uncomfortable, and tedious, but life unfolds as it will, and the universe will wait patiently as ...read moreNothing To Fear But Fear Itself
by DW Green — April 15, 2020
In the early days of what would become known as the Great Depression, a new President named Franklin Delano Roosevelt was sworn in and gave his first inaugural address. As the last president to hold office before the Twentieth Amendment was ratified, FDR wasn’t able to take office until March—meaning that the country had been without strong leadership for months. Panic was in the air, banks were failing, and people were scared.You probably heard the “nothing to fear but fear itself” sound bite that FDR gave in that famous speech, but the full line is worth reading because it applies to many difficult things we face in life:“Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”Fear has to be feared because of the miseries it creates. The things we fear pale in comparison to the damage we do to ourselves and others when we unthinkingly scramble to avoid them. An economic depression is bad; a deadly virus is bad; a panic is worse. A tough situation isn’t helped by terror—it only makes things harder. And t...read more