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What is a Brand?

by webmaster — November 17, 2009

“Why,” she asked “did you put two Xs in Exxon?”
“Why ask?” he asked.
“Because,” she said, “I couldn’t help noticing?”
“Well,” he responded, “that’s the answer.”
—Alan Fletcher, The Art Of Looking SidewaysSo, what is a brand? Here’s an Old West analogy from your friends here in Arizona:In the days before Microsoft and McDonalds, a brand was an indelible mark of identification used by cowboys and ranch owners to prove ownership of stock animals and provide a point of distinction; it was also the process in which this lasting impression was made.Every brand was different because every ranch was different. A unique brand differentiated your cattle from your competitors’; in a brown sea of seemingly identical animals, your cattle would always stand out.Today, a brand does for products, companies and services what it’s always done for livestock: it makes identification, recognition, differentiation and connectivity possible.A brand is an entity that forms an impression, and the process by which that impression is formed. It is an identity, the sum of all of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perceptions and associations that consumers have about a product, company or service.As it appears on the backside of a cow, a brand is a symbol. In today’s competitive marketplace, however, a brand is more than just a logo, icon or name. It is inclusive of the many unique attributes—product, service, name, logo, packaging, color palette, typography, graphics,...

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Connecting With Customers Throughout 2010

by webmaster — November 9, 2009

As you planned your 2010 weekly ad schedules, you probably crossed out at least 20% of the weeks during the year because they were obviously connected with a holiday. For Valentines Day, you normally promote the event the week before and the week of. Likewise with Memorial Day, Independence Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. you have a couple of weeks to promote each event.

click to view a sample magazine

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Free Themed Music This Holiday Season

by webmaster — October 29, 2009

click to view image

First, a big “thank you” to Dave Bennett and Mike Stone, owners of Mollie Stone’s in the San Francisco Bay area. A couple of years ago DW and I toured some of the Mollie Stone’s stores with Dave during the holiday season and saw this great idea in one of the stores we visited.
It’s not too often you come across an idea that is actually a “win-win” like this idea.Mollie Stones worked with a local music/piano retailer to partner on a holiday themed promotion.The retailer was permitted to display one of the piano retailer’s premiere player pianos in a Mollie Stone’s store during the holiday season in exchange for Mollie Stone’s being able to use it to play Holiday themed music throughout the holiday season.

click to watch video

The piano retailer benefited with over 20,000 potential piano buyers walking by the piano when they shopped at Mollie Stone’s. Mollie Stones benefited with
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How is your Fall "Curb Appeal?"

by webmaster — October 8, 2009

Supermarkets have something in common with those trying to sell their homes in this difficult economy.First, you need to attract potential buyers to your front door by offering great curb appeal. In the case of those trying to sell homes and with supermarkets, you need to do more than simply providing a presentable front yard or parking lot as cars fly by. Having just a presentable curb appeal won’t cut it in today’s economy – you need to have an inviting curb appeal that warmly welcomes customers to your store.
Pumpkin Display

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Jackolantern Display

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It’s much more than sweeping the parking lot and removing the litter. Spring and Fall are the two times of the year that you can really differentiate your store from competitors with some extra attention to outdoor signage and m
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Holiday Season Gift Cards

by webmaster — September 24, 2009

Selling your gift cards to businesses:I received a great idea in the mail this week from Publix stores in Florida.The title of the direct mail piece: “Choose a gift that helps your business look good. And you’ll look good too.”“This year give Publix Gift Cards as your gift of appreciation to business associates and their families.”Publix has been one of the most aggressive grocers in the promotion of gift cards in their stores, on their website and in direct mail offers.As we’re entering the holiday selling season (less than 100 days to Christmas), Publix is reaching out to businesses that have previously purchased their gift cards with a reminder to “Show them you care” …. and “The Company You Keep”….. “Call or go online today” to purchase gift cards.

Why should businesses buy gift cards online from Publix?

  1. Gift cards are a fit that recipients can enjoy with their families.
  2. It allows them to choose something that is needed, or something special.
  3. It shows you want what is best for them and you can choose what is best for your company.
Gift Card Designs

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Special Anniversary Ads

by webmaster — September 19, 2009

Every year we get calls from retailers asking for help for a “special anniversary ad.” Normally the special ads are for the 20th, 30th, 40th, or 50th anniversary. Maybe even a 90th anniversary!Why wait 10 years between anniversaries to celebrate?Here’s a couple of suggestions to help you market your anniversary every year.
  1. Get a special logo design for your anniversary. This will allow you to promote your anniversary on every page of your weekly ads, store posters and shelf signage. Here’s an example of a very simple anniversary design:
    Simple Anniversary Design

    click to view gallery

  2. Celebrate the anniversary for an entire month — not just one week! If you are celebrating a milestone anniversary (20, 30, 40, 50) we’d recommend that you celebrate the anniversary all year. Incorporate the special anniversary logo to accompany your normal logo in all ads. Here’s an example of a milestone anniversary logo:

    click to view gallery

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The Importance of Website Analytics

by webmaster — September 11, 2009

Earlier this week one of our customers asked me if we had research on how many people actually read a printed insert ad — with a newspaper distribution of 12,000 in a small, suburban town.We’ve seen some recent research conducted in similar sized markets with similar subscribers – and it’s not pretty.We’ll never know unless we speak with each of the 12,000 subscribers but if the insert ad doesn’t really look unique or different from the other inserts in the same newspaper – it’s very likely that less than 3,000 subscribers will actually view the front page of the ad and fewer than 1,000 will open up the ad to see what’s on page 2. Those numbers drop when the newspapers are “Pennysaver” style or free distribution newspapers. In general, many of those that do read print ads are looking to see what the sale items are on page 1 to decide if it’s worth an extra shopping trip to pick up those items (which are traditionally low gross margin items).It’s not uncommon for a single store retailer in this type of market to spend upwards of $4,000 a week to get 12,000 ads in the newspapers. In rough numbers, that’s 33 cents once the design, print and distribution fees are tallied.Print ads are vitally important and if the true cost is close to 33 cents per copy, you need to make sure that you improve your readership ratios by having an attractive ad with significant appeal.Now, let’s shift gears from print advertising to web advertising.What does it cost to market the same ...
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