
DW's Blog


by DW Green — February 22, 2017

Employees are your greatest asset

Employees are your greatest asset

It is vital to recruit employees whose personal values match your corporate values. Employees work best in conditions of strong value alignment—the store’s values are their values; their values are the store’s values. In this type of environment, employees don’t face daily ethical conflicts, they don’t have to tolerate a double standard for bosses and workers, and they don’t have to abide by mediocrity when they believe in excellence. Instead, employees take pride in the store’s success and its superior reputation with customers and the community. They revel in their personal growth and development in a high-achievement store culture. They enjoy being part of something special, being on a successful team, feeling connected, and taking ownership in the company. In short, employees who share your company’s values become your greatest assets—and the best marketing department you could ask for. 

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by DW Green — February 15, 2017

…Boresville USA

…Boresville USA

I remember as a kid, I’d hear, “Well, she may not be too cute but she has a great personality!” That didn’t make much sense to me at the time, but now I realize it’s very true. A personality can either repel or attract. The ones that attract have a powerful energy, an excitement, an ability to draw attention, create an attraction and an interaction.Design has personality too—repelling or attracting. I receive many weekly email blasts from retailers nationwide. Looking for both design and content ideas. I’m surprised at how many I receive that are lacking positive personality appeal. They’re boring, creating ZERO brand affinity. These include some from very successful companies.Take a close look at your email marketing. Does the design pack a punch? Is it reflecting positively on your brand? Does it create excitement and provide a great reason to shop in your store? Or is it boresville? A yawner? Is it destined for deletsville?I yawn my way through many email blast on ad days. How ‘bout you?Have a listen:

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Changing Others

by DW Green — February 8, 2017

…spend more time gazing inward, into the one person you can change: yourself.

…spend more time gazing inward, into the one person you can change: yourself.

Given the current political climate of incivility, conflict and strife that is dominating our national landscape the notion of trying to change others is futile. At best, my hope is that we can agree to disagree, to honor and respect opposing points of view and come together on some level to improve the quality of life for ALL Americans.I would like share the following insight from Madison Taylor, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the popular inspirational website Daily OM.“If your tendency is to try and change other people, take some time to explore why you feel the need to do so.Our perception of humanity as a whole is, to a large extent, dualistic. We paint people with a broad brush–some are like us, sharing our opinions and our attitudes, while others are different. Our commitment to values we have chosen to embrace is often so strong that we are easily convinced that our way is the right way. We may find ourselves frustrated by those who view the world from an alternate vantage point and make use of unusual strategies when coping with life’s challenges. However ardently we...
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Human Beings Are Meaning Making Machines

by DW Green — February 1, 2017

What does your business mean?

What does your business mean?

Finding Inner Courage by Mark Nepo is an excellent book and I highly recommend reading it. In the introduction Nepo writes; “What does courage mean? How we hold this question is important. It’s interesting that the question, what does it mean? In Spanish, que quire deicer?, literally translates as, what does it want to say? The difference inherent in the Spanish view is that whatever holds meaning is alive and has its own vital authority and, therefore, demands us to be in relationship to it in order to learn its meaning. English view readies us to apprehend meaning, while Spanish view readies us to experience meaning.”Okay, interesting quote you might say, but what does it have to do with business? In a word…everything. What does your business mean? What does it mean to you? What does it mean to your stakeholders? Human beings are meaning making machines. When our relationships and our experiences are meaningful, we are confident and comfortable with our decisions, our choices and this meaningful connection enhances our overall sense of happiness and well-being.A company’s “reasons to believe” are deeply rooted in its purpose and meaning. It’s critical that a company...
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by DW Green — January 24, 2017

He’s a kook, a nut, just plum crazy!

He’s a kook, a nut, just plum crazy!

I’ve been called a kook, a nut, crazy and a bunch of other stuff…particularly when it comes to many of my unorthodox, unconventional points of view! So it’s nice when one of my beliefs is validated by a reputable source.Monday morning I read an article in the Harvard Business Review about mindfulness…how practicing mindfulness can improve and enhance one’s ability to make better choices. I believe mindfulness is a skill that can benefit everyone and is worth pursuing. For me, mediation and or contemplation provide an access point to defines mindfulness as “a technique in which one focuses one’s full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them:The practice of mindfulness can reduce stress and physical pain. The practice of mindfulness connects us with a deeper sense of purpose and joy. We discover how to find peace during difficult times, and we learn to take inspired action from a place of heart.“One second can be the difference between achieving desired results or not. One second is all it takes to become less reactive and more in tune...
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Employee Development

by DW Green — January 18, 2017

 Stakeholders all feel the loss when a company fails.

Stakeholders all feel the loss when a company fails.

I read in Supermarket News yesterday that “Walmart plans fivefold increase in training facilities. Walmart plans to open 160 new training academies by summer to provide training for nearly a quarter-million workers in the coming fiscal year.” Yikes! That’s impressive. And very wise!In the end it is employees who make the difference. No amount of merchandising or advertising can be successful over the long run without a dedicated, knowledgeable staff. If employees don’t support your market position or advertising claims, your efforts will be undermined.To build a company that is profitable, enduring, and able to hold its own against major competitors, managers need to foster a sense of community among employees. Above all, employees must share common values. This means recruits should be judged as much on the basis of their fit with the company’s values and principles as they are on the basis of their ability to fulfill the technical requirements of the job.People should be hired into your company with the understanding that they are there to develop their potential. You must ensure that processes are in place to assess i...
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Slow It Down Man

by DW Green — January 11, 2017

There is more to life than increasing its speed.

There is more to life than increasing its speed.

Slow It Down Man!By DW GreenSo I was reading this interesting article 12-Steps for Simplifying Your Life by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The article was about Inspiration—a state of being here and now in the material world, while at the same time reconnecting to our spiritual origins. The 9th step in the 12 step process was “Slow Down”. I believe this idea of slowing down is HUGE. Especially in todays incredibly quick, hyper fast paced world that we live in.“Slow Down. One of Gandhi’s most illuminating observations reminds us that “there is more to life than increasing its speed.” This is great advice for simplifying your life—in fact, slow everything way down for a few moments right here and now. Slowly read these words. Slow your breathing down so that you’re aware of each inhalation and exhalation…When you’re in your car, downshift and relax. Slow down your speech, your inner thoughts, and the frantic pace of everything you do. Take more time to hear others. Notice your inclination to interrupt and get the conversation over with, and then choose to l...
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by DW Green — January 4, 2017

It’s a tough neighborhood, but the scenery is great!

It’s a tough neighborhood, but the scenery is great!

Nowsville is a special place in time! There is only NOW.  It’s the first few days of the new year, so you have probably worked on a list of things that you’d like to get done in 2017. Drawing on the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer, what if you choose to forget about making these resolutions? What if you choose to forget about deciding how you will be conducting your life months from now?For 2017, what if you choose to live in the present moment? “This day that you’re living right now is the only day you get. You can resolve to be skinny when next July rolls around, or to quit smoking next month, or to write that book you’ve been meaning to, or to embark on your overdue exercise program by the end of this year. You can go about resolving until the cows come home, and you still have to live your life just like everyone else on the planet: One day at a time. You can only live minute to minute. You can certainly use up your present moments thinking about what you’ll be doing in the future, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can only live in the now. The important question to be ask...
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For A Leader

by DW Green — December 28, 2016

May those who work for you know, you see and respect them.

May those who work for you know, you see and respect them.

  As 2016 draws to a close, I would like to thank our clients, business partners and vendors for your business and for your friendship. I’d like to thank each of you for the positive influence and impact you have had on my life and on my company. I am most grateful and appreciative of our relationships. I am honored to work with you. Thank you. To acknowledge the end of the year, it seems both fitting and proper to share this leadership blessing with you. I am inspired by Mr. Donohue’s words and read them often.   For A LeaderJohn O’Donohue May you have the grace and wisdomTo act kindly, learningTo distinguish between what isPersonal and what is not.May you be hospitable to criticism.May you never put yourself at thecenter of things.May you not act from arrogance butout of service.May you work on yourself,Building up and refining the ways ofyour mind.May those who work for you knowYou see and respect them.May...
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Say NO To Resistance

by DW Green — December 21, 2016

See things as they are.

See things as they are.

As the Seventh Dalai Lama wrote: “All things found in the world and beyond are illusions created by one’s own concepts. Grasping at them but further distorts perception. Give up grasping and see things as they are.”Like the daily practice of meditation – the process of lessening our resistance includes surrendering, accepting, detaching, and then trusting that this moment is THE moment – bringing our awareness to the fluidity and evolutionary nature of life. The English word resist comes from the Latin word resistere, which means to stand against or oppose. When we oppose what is flowing into us, we are saying NO to the Universe. We are denying our most divine nature. We are inserting our ego into the moment instead of allowing the divine to flow through us. When we resist, we suddenly put an end to infinite possibilities. There are many lessons (and growing pains) along the journey of our life, which may contribute to the underlying challenge that makes us reluctant to trust and welcome the unknown. But we can shift that non-nourishing mindset very easily and...
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