He was also driven by a compulsion, a work and activity addiction that was seemingly without end.
It has become a cliché to quote Theodore Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech, which lionize “the one whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who stives valiantly…” compared with the critic who sits on the sidelines. Roosevelt gave that speech shortly after he left office, at the height of his popularity. In a few years, he would run against his former protégé in an attempt to retake the White House, losing badly and nearly assassinated in the process. He would also nearly die exploring a river in the Amazon, kill thousands of animals in African safaris, and then beg Woodrow Wilson to allow him to enlist in World War I despite being 59 years old. He would do a lot of things that seem somewhat baffling in retrospect.Theodore Roosevelt was a truly great man. But he was also driven by a compulsion, a work and activity addiction that was seemingly without end. Many of us share this affliction—being driven by something we can’t control. We’re afraid of being still, so we seek out strife and action as a distraction. We choose to be a t war—in some cases, liter...read more
Think of the manic people in your life. Not the ones suffering from an unfortunate disorder, but the ones whose lives and choices are in disorder. Everything is soaring highs or crushing lows; the day is either amazing or awful. Aren’t those people exhausting? Don’t you wish they just had a filter through which they could test the good impulses versus bad ones?There is such a filter. Justice. Reason. Philosophy. If there’s a central message, it’s this: impulses of all kinds are going to come, and your work is to control them, like bringing a dog to heel. Put more simply: Ask: Who is in control here? What principles are guiding me?
“Almost two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote: ‘Most people bypass what is good and refreshing in their lives, and habitually focus on the unpleasant, bad elements.’ How easily all our attention can get absorbed by our “problems.” Thinking and talking about them strengthens a false sense of self. And so we miss the good in our lives. Where is the good? It’s where Life is: in the present moment. It’s in the clouds and vast spaciousness of the sky, the air you breathe, the life-giving light and warmth of the sun, the silence of the night. It’s in a small act of kindness given or received. It’s in the sound of the rain, the intense aliveness of a flower…the same aliveness that you can also feel inside your body. Another word for acknowledging the good in your life is – gratitude. And: what you focus your attention on, grows.” —ECKHART TOLLESo where is the good in life? It’s where Life is: in the present moment. Be there. NOW.
The anxious father, worried about his children. What does he want? A word that is always safe? A frenzied traveler—what does she want? For the weather to hold and for traffic to part so she can make her flight. A nervous investor? That the market will turn around and an investment will pay off.All of these scenarios hold the same thing in common. It’s wanting something outside our control. Getting worked up, getting excited, nervously pacing—these intense, pained, and anxious moments show us at our most futile and servile. Staring at the clock, at the ticker, at the next checkout lane over, at the sky—it’s as if we all belong to a religious cult that believes the gods of fate will only give us what we want if we sacrifice our peace of mind.Today, when you find yourself getting anxious, ask yourself: Why are my insides twisted into knots? Am I in control here or is my anxiety? And most important: Is my anxiety doing me any good?
You don’t control the situation, but you control what you think about it.
Today you won’t control the external events that happen.Is that scary? A little, but it’s balanced when we see that we can control our opinion about those events. You decide whether they’re good or bad, whether they’re fair or unfair. You don’t control the situation, but you control what you think about it.See how that works? Every single thing that is outside your control—the outside world, other people, luck, karma, whatever—still presents a corresponding area that is in your control. This alone gives us plenty to manage, plenty of power.Best of all, an honest understanding of what is within our control provides real clarity about the world: all we have is our own mind. Remember that today when you try to extend your reach outward—that it’s much better and more appropriately directed inward.
The more you say no to the things that don’t matter, the more you can say yes to things that do.
One of the hardest things to do in life is to say “No.” To invitations, to requests, to obligations, to the stuff that everyone else is doing. Even harder is saying no to certain time-consuming emotions: anger, excitement, distraction, obsession, lust. None of these impulses feels like a big deal by itself, but run amok, they become a commitment like anything else.If you’re not careful, these are precisely the impositions that will overwhelm and consume your life. Do you ever wonder how you get some of your time back, how you can feel less busy? Start by learning the power of “No!”—as in “No, thank you,” and “No, I’m not going to get caught up in that,” and “No, I just can’t right now.” It may hurt some feelings. It may take some hard work. But the more you say no to the things that don’t matter, the more you can say yes to things that do. This will let you love and enjoy your life—the life that you want.
Their sense of equilibrium, their orderly discipline.
The people you admire, the ones who seem to be able to successfully handle and deal with adversity and difficulty, what do they have in common? Their sense of equilibrium, their orderly discipline. On the one-yard line, in the midst of criticism, after a heartbreaking tragedy, during a stressful period, they keep going.Not because they’re better than you. Not because they’re smarter. But because they have learned a little secret. You can take the bite out of any tough situation by bringing a calm mind to it. By considering it and meditating on it in advance.And this is not just for our day-to-day adversities but for the greatest and most unavoidable trial of all: our own eventual death. It could come tomorrow, it could come in forty years. It could be quick and painless, or it could be excruciating. Our greatest asset in that ordeal will not be religion, it will not even be the wise words of the philosophers. It will be, simply, our relationship with Source, with God.
Nowsville is a special place in time! There is only NOW. The new year is fast approaching. Have you been working on a list of things that you’d like to do different in 2022? Drawing on the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer, what if you choose to forget about making these resolutions? What if you choose to forget about deciding how you will be conducting your life months from now? For 2022, what if you choose to live in the present moment?“This day that you’re living right now is the only day you get. You can resolve to be skinny when next July rolls around, or to quit smoking next month, or to write that book you’ve been meaning to, or to embark on your overdue exercise program by the end of this year. You can go about resolving until the cows come home, and you still have to live your life just like everyone else on the planet: One day at a time. You can only live minute to minute. You can certainly use up your present moments thinking about what you’ll be doing in the future, but that doesn’t change t...read more
The Christmas season represents the Best in mankind.
Merry Christmas! Regardless of your religious preference or belief system, the Christmas season represents the Best in mankind. Christmas is about Peace and Goodwill to all. It’s about Love and Joy. Compassion. Appreciation. Humility. And Goodness. It’s about Giving and Receiving. About caring and embracing. About Acceptance. Gratitude. And Listening. It’s about being of service to one another. It’s about Spirit. And Wholeness. It’s about Unity and getting along. And it’s about Connection and Oneness with all things of this world and beyond.Wishing you All a Very Merry, Joy-filled Christmas, and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!With much love and appreciation.DW
How long have you been alive? Take the years, multiple them by 365, and then by 24. How many hours have you lived (me-613,200 hours)? What do you have to show for all of them?The answer for many people is not enough. We had so many hours that we took them for granted. All we have to show for our time on this planet are rounds of golf, years spent at the office, time spent watching mediocre movies, a stack of mindless books we hardly remember reading, and maybe a garage full of toys. We’re like the character in Raymond Chandler’s The Long Goodbye: “Mostly, I just kill time,” he says, “and it dies hard.”One day our hours begin to run out. It would be nice to be able to say: “Hey, I really made the most of it.” Not in the form of achievements, not money, not status, but in wisdom, insight, and real progress in the things that all humans struggle against.What if you could say that you really made something of this time that you had? What if you could prove ...read more